Page 159 of Hollywood Humbug
Her lips curve into a soft smile. "Your magic?"
"My Christmas magic."
"You hate Christmas." She runs her fingers through my hair, tousling it.
"I hated the reminder of everything I lost," I murmur, raining kisses across her face. "I hated being alone. I hated watching the world go soft when it felt so goddamn cold to me."
"Kaiden," she whispers.
"It's not cold anymore, princess." I kiss each corner of her lips, lingering as I reach for the buttons on her top. "I'm not cold anymore."
Her eyes light up, my little star glowing brighter than the sun. "Then burn with me, Kaiden," she breathes, clutching me to her. "Make me forget everything but you."
"Gladly." I seam my lips to hers, undressing her between long, languid kisses that have her eyes turning dark and her lashes fluttering. I take my time, running my hands over every inch of skin, worshipping her the way she deserves. I don't fuck her. I love her.
By the time she's naked beneath me, she's trembling, her chest shuddering with each soft exhale. Lips replace hands as I drive her higher, whispering sweet words of devotion into her skin. Every damn word is the truth. I do worship this beautiful little star. She is a goddess. My heart does beat for her and her alone. The surgeon might have repaired it when I was a kid, but she healed it and brought it back to life.
"Kaiden!" she cries, back arched, hands reaching for me as I part her folds and lap at her clit. Somehow, she's sweeter. Her juices flow like wine across my lips as I eat her like we have all the time in the world. I don't concern myself with anyone outside this trailer. They don't fucking matter. They never did.
She comes in a heated rush, her sweet voice breaking on my name.
I free my cock, lifting her into my lap.
Her nails score my back as she sinks down on me.
"Oh, God. Oh, God," she chants, her face buried in my throat as she writhes in my lap. "What are you doing to me?"
"Making you forget everything but me." I run my lips across her forehead. "Burning with you." Lift her up my cock. "Loving you." And then slide her back down.
She sobs my name, clinging to me as I take her slowly, so goddamn slowly it hurts. She's a priceless weight in my arms, a heavenly vise around my goddamn heart. The tightest grip around my cock. Every part of her is perfect. Every part of her is mine.
We fall together, her sheltered in my arms and my heart even more firmly in her hands.
Neither of us worries about her sex scene again. In one perfect moment, it simply ceases to matter at all.
"Where are you?" Roni demands, panic in her voice.
"I'm at the studio. Why?" I ask, yawning into the phone. Today is my last major scene, a mall scene with Abel. Once it's finished, I just have a few minor scenes left over the next two days, and then we're finished. It's bittersweet.
"Is Kaiden with you?"
"Yes," I say, glancing over at him. He's a few feet away, talking to Jackson Reed and the assistant director about something involving stunts or stunt coordination or training. I'm not sure. I wasn't really paying attention, but Jackson's daughter, Cam, is with them, soaking in everything they say. She's an adorable girl. She and Hailey look tiny next to Kaiden and Jackson.
Filming ran late last night, and everyone is tired. Kaiden and I played hooky this morning and stayed in bed. After I woke up sick again yesterday, Kaiden ran out and bought ginger ale and fifty different kinds of crackers. They seem to have helped today.I didn't wake up throwing up, at least. I'm just ridiculously tired. I barely got here in time to get into hair and makeup.
Now, Abel is MIA. Luca is ready to blow a gasket because we can't start this scene without him.
"Shit. I was hoping he wasn't there," Roni mutters.
"Why? What happened?" I ask, instantly on alert.
Kaiden peeks over, checking on me.
I give him a tight smile, not wanting to alarm him. He worries about me enough as it is. The more I think about it, the less I like the thought of taking on an action movie when I'm pregnant. I haven't talked to him about it yet, but I think I'm going to turn down the role if they offer it to me. There will be other opportunities, but I'll never forgive myself if something happens to the baby because I'm pushing myself beyond my limits every day just to prove to the world that I can.