Page 47 of Hollywood Humbug
I pull her down and crush her against me, pumping out the last of my pleasure, while she cries my name, again and again.
Spent, she relaxes over me like a beautiful blanket. “I don’t think I’ve ever had so many orgasms in two days.”
“You’re amazing. Will you spend the night?” I hold my breath for the answer.
“Do you want me to?” There’s that small, worried voice again.
I trace a path from the swell of her perfect ass, along her spine, and down again. “I do.”
“Alright.” She sits up, which brings me just a little deeper again. “I’ll stay.” She grins down at me.
The best night of my life is followed by the most wonderful morning. Granted, all we did was shower, dress, and have coffee together, but I’ve never been happier.
I love that she brought a bag with all the things she needed to spend the night. I love watching her brush her teeth and pull her hair into a braid. It’s insane, but I even love following her out of my neighborhood when we drive separately to the studio.
Since the bakery delivers most of the breakfast fare for the studio, I only have to run in and get the other stuff like fruit and yogurt out and set up before I head to the restaurant.
Grace smiles and grabs an apple from the tray, I’m holding. “I’ll see you later?”
An hour later, I’m singing along to the radio in my car. Pearl Jam is blaring, and I’ve never felt better. Every time I think of Grace, I smile.
The phone rings, and I press the button on my steering wheel to answer through the car. “Hello.”
“Boss?” Jenn, the assistant manager of my restaurant sounds like she’s crying.
“Jenn? What’s wrong?”
“We had a fire.” She sniffs.
Those words are every restaurant owner’s nightmare. My heart leaps into my throat. “How bad?”
“Not too bad, but we won’t be able to open for service for a few days.”
“Was anyone hurt?”
Another sniff. “Seth burned his arm. He’s at the hospital. He probably saved the place from a total loss.”
My gut twists. Seth’s been my head chef ever since I started running two businesses. He’s been fantastic as an employee and a friend. “Where are you?”
“I’m at the restaurant with the police and fire department.” She sounds more stable.
“All right, I’m going to check on Seth, then I’ll be there as soon as I can. Tell the police where I am if they need me sooner.” I get off at the next exit.
A long breath pushes through the speakers in my van. “Thanks for not going nuts, Landon. I didn’t know how to tell you. I know how much you’ve got on your plate.”
“It will be alright, Jenn. If Seth is okay, then everything else can be replaced. Take a breath and try not to freak out.” Rather than ask her all the questions I have rolling around in my head, I say goodbye and wind through the streets like a madman to get to the hospital.
I run inside and ask the receptionist where Seth is.
She points down the corridor to the emergency room.
I find my cook smiling up at a young and pretty doctor. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“Hey, boss.” Seth waves with his good arm.
The doctor wraps a bandage around his right forearm and hand. “He’ll be fine. Could have been much worse. Second-degree burns will heal in a few days, and if it scars, you can make up some story about how you got them saving kittens.”