Page 78 of Hollywood Humbug
“No need. The studio already sent over the specifics, and I’ve had the last twenty-four hours to get organized and familiar with the cast and crew. I’ve even had a few phone calls with your former assistant director to help make this transition as smooth as possible.”
I must admit that I thought he’d be impressed by my preparedness and efficiency—most people are. But Luca folds his arms across his chest and narrows his eyes at me. “You know, I’ve heard great things about you. So, I have even bigger expectations than I normally would. You better not fuck this up.”
I smile, letting him know without saying a word that he doesn’t intimidate me one bit. Then, straightening my spine, I hold his stare as I step closer, right into his personal space. “Don’t worry about a thing,” I say carefully, keeping my tone measured and even. I’m not going to argue with the man, but I want him to understand that I’m not the type of woman to be fucked with. If he gets the message, we’ll get along just fine. If not… well, this won’t be a fun holiday for anyone. “The studio needed a fixer, someone who could step in at the eleventh hour to take on a project already underway. There’s a reason I was their first call. Idon’tfail.”
Tension crackles in the air between us, and I know we’re being watched with bated breaths. Luca stares at me for a long moment.
Then, he slowly smirks. “You know what? I like your grit. The scene should be set up in twenty minutes. I want you at my side.”
He turns and walks off, his attention already back on the clipboard in his hands. I exhale, feeling like I’ve just passed a test. Working with him shouldn’t be a problem now.
Knowing I have some time until filming resumes, I walk around and introduce myself to the employees on the set. I want to make sure everyone knows who I am, so they know who to come to when they need something. Luca isn’t exactly approachable. But the whole time I talk to the cast and crew, my mind is on one person in particular—one of the few names I recognized when reviewing the production breakdown: Jackson Reed.
I’d been visiting family in Tennessee when I was called in, and the entire flight this morning, I could only think about him. How much has he changed in the last decade? What does he look like? Does he think about me?
I don’t see him until I’m in the middle of introducing myself to the hair and makeup artist. I spot him walking onto the set out of the corner of my eye, unmistakable with his golden tan skin and large muscles. I can’t resist turning to stare, taking in his sculpted, hard body. He has a few more tattoos than he used to, but other than that, he’s just as gorgeous as I remember, maybe more so. He’s tall with short brown hair and the kind of dark eyes I could spend hours getting lost in. He hasn’t noticed me yet, and I tell myself to look away, but it’s nearly impossible to force my eyes to comply.
“He’s single, just in case you were wondering.”
I finally pull my gaze from Jackson and return my attention to Audrey, the hair and makeup artist. She’s smiling like we’re a pair of old girlfriends gossiping about boys.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lie, knowing I’m not fooling anyone. I was just ogling the guy.
“It’s okay. All the women have been lusting after that man for years. But he never seems to date anyone. Not that I’ve seen anyway.”
She shrugs and changes the subject, but I keep thinking about Jackson, even when we start shooting the scene and I’m trying to focus on work. I remember where he lived back when we were briefly together. Maybe he’s still there? Would it be crazy to stop by after work?
I’m not sure, but I’m talking myself into doing it anyway. I just want a glimpse of what his life’s like now, maybe see how my own life could have been if things had worked out between us.
If only…
There’s a little voice in my head telling me to turn around and go back to my apartment. I shouldn’t be driving to Jackson’s house. It’s creepy to just show up after all this time.
Yet, I can’t seem to make myself stop. I have to take a chance., I know I’d live with so much regret if I didn’t at least try to connect with him somehow.
I keep thinking about the brief time we spent together. It was early in my career when I was a low-level production assistant, who essentially ran errands for everyone on set. I had big dreams even back then, and I was too focused on making them come true to have time for a meaningful relationship. But Jackson had his own stuff going on too, though he never really told me what any of that was. We just didn’t get the chance to take things to a deeper level. Most of our relationship was physical, even though I sincerely cared about him.
So, after working together on two movies, we finally split up. But I never found anyone after that who could make me feel an inkling of the way he did. And I always wished things were different.
Maybe this time they could be.
That thought gives me the courage to get out of my car. There’s a big truck parked in the driveway, and I assume it must belong to Jackson. I have a nervous twitch in the pit of my stomach as I imagine what his reaction will be to opening the door and seeing me. Will he be happy? Confused? I ring the bell, but when the door opens, Jackson isn't the one standing there; it’s a little girl.
She stares at me with familiar dark eyes, ones just like Jackson’s. She has the same golden complexion and brown hair too. I feel my heart sink as she smiles at me—what a beautiful child.
“Hi, can I help you?” she asks politely.
“I-I must have the wrong house,” I stammer, even though this girl is the spitting image of Jackson. I must be in the right place. I just don’t want to believe it. “How… um… how old are you?” I don’t mean to ask that, but this girl’s age is suddenly significant to me. If she’s Jackson’s daughter—and I can only imagine she is since she’s at his house and looks just like him—then the timeline matters.
“I’m ten,” she answers matter-of-factly.
Oh, God.