Page 11 of A Christmas Kiss
Her body tingled as she recalled all the delicious things Maddox had done to her last night and the insatiable way her body had responded to his every move. Even now, after a marathon night of lovemaking, she wanted him again.
She winced as she moved from the bed, sore in places she was sure she’d never considered. As she dressed hurriedly, she wondered where Maddox was. Why had he left without waking her?
Was he sorry in the cold light of day? Did he regret moving their relationship from the friend zone?
Maybe the best thing for her would be to slip out, return to her own place and wait for him to call.
If he calls.
She shushed the devilish voice. She may not know if Maddox regretted last night, but she knew that he wouldn’t keep her hanging either way.
If he had decided that one night was all he wanted with her, she knew what she had to do. As much as she’d hate it, she would find another job and go on with her life. It wouldn’t be easy to do with a broken heart, but she’d have to manage. And, she’d have her memories from last night to see her through.
Opening the bedroom door, she listened for a moment for any sound. Hearing nothing, she moved quietly down the hallway. The white lights of the tree were still on, blinking silently. The fireplace was dark.
She could hear sounds from the kitchen—was that Maddox humming? And did she smell bacon? Should she go in there? Go back to bed?
Shaking her head, she decided to stick with her original plan. To go home and wait. That was sensible.
Her hand closed around the door knob.
“Where are you going?”
She turned to find Maddox wearing an apron, underwear, and nothing else, spatula in hand and a questioning look on his handsome face. It would have been funny if she had any idea what he expected from her.
“I…I thought I’d get out of here and let you have some peace and quiet. You know, it’s probably a good thing….”
She stopped talking, knowing she’d been babbling like an idiot again. It seemed to be her go-to move around Maddox anymore. “Yes.”
“I don’t want you to go.”
Taking a deep breath, Emma forced a calm she didn’t feel. Her life, her happiness, depended on the next few minutes. “Then what do you want, Maddox?”
He moved around the couch, padding across the thick carpet on bare feet to stand before her. “I thought I made that pretty plain last night, but I’m willing to show you again.”
He stood so close that she could see the light in his dark eyes, the one that said he wanted her. His big body called to hers in a way so primitive that it made her weak. “Last night was wonderful,” she whispered. “But what happens when you don’t want me anymore, Maddox?” Tears formed in her eyes, and she turned her head to stare out the window. Clouds were building, and it looked like snow again.
“Oh, Emma,” Maddox flung the spatula toward the sofa and pulled her to him. A hand under her chin forced her eyes up to his. The moisture there made his heart ache. He never wanted to hurt her. He’d rather cut off his own arm. “Don’t you know that day will never come, honey? I’ll want you till the day I die and even beyond.” His arms closed around her, dragging her against the very evidence of his words. “I want to spend my nights wrapped in your arms and my days hearing your laughter. You are my whole world, Emma.”
“Maddox!” Emma wailed, tears of joy flowing from her eyes. She buried her head in his throat, kissing the wild beat of his pulse. “I feel the same way.” She drew back slightly and looked up at him with a watery smile. “I was so afraid that last night was enough for you that you might be sorry….”
He placed a quick kiss on her lips. “The only thing I’m sorry about is not telling you sooner how much I love you.”
“I love you, too, Maddox. I always have. And I always will.”
“I was going to wait a while to give you time to adjust to our new relationship,” he reached into the deep apron pocket and withdrew a small black box, “I think a Christmas wedding would be beautiful.”
“Maddox?” Emma stared in wonder as she took the box from his outstretched hand. Opening it like the treasure it was, she gasped at the brilliant diamond winking up at her.
Maddox removed the ring, dropping the box soundlessly onto the carpet. Taking her left hand, he slid the ring onto her third finger. “Will you marry me, Emma, and be my Christmas every day?”
Emma’s hand trembled, and happy tears threatened once more. Taking a deep breath, she smiled at the man who filled her heart with happiness and her soul with such joy. “I can’t imagine a better present. Yes, I’ll marry you, Maddox.”
His head bent, and he captured her lips under his, sealing their promise of happily-ever-after.