Page 2 of A Christmas Kiss
Scott Strickland was Stacy’s boyfriend, an accountant with the company. Both Emma and Stacy worked in the public relations department. Emma was the social media manager, and Stacy did the print and copy advertising. They had just finished the spring campaigns, and Emma, for one, was looking forward to her time off for Christmas. It gave her time to recharge. Plus, it took her away from the office and away fromhim.
And this year, if her plan went sideways, she would need that distance to decide what to do. She didn’t know if she’d be ready to cut all ties with the man who had taken up most of her thoughts and dreams for so many years.
“Stacy! Emma! Over here.” Scott’s voice sounded from a few feet away.
Even from a distance, Scott looked at Stacy as though he could eat her up. Emma would give anything to have a man look at her that way. Not just any man. Maddox. She sighed. That was about as likely as a snowstorm in the desert.
As they made their way to Scott’s side, a low murmur began going through the crowd, growing louder as the two reached their destination. “Hey, Scott,” Emma offered the greeting automatically as she turned to see what had the crowd buzzing. Following where everyone was looking toward the back of the room, Emma saw what—or who—the commotion was about.
Maddox had entered the building.
He looks like a million bucks, she thought, her mouth going dry at the sight of him.
Which was funny since he was probably worth ten times that amount.
She quickly averted her eyes and turned back to Scott and Stacy, forcing a smile to her lips.
“Well, will you look at that?” Scott murmured as he kissed Stacy and smiled at Emma. “Looks like the boss is flying solo tonight.”
Emma braced herself for the second time that night to do something she didn’t really want to do. She turned her gaze once more to the man she’d dreaded—yet longed—to see. Maddox made his way through the crush of people, smiling and exchanging small talk with the ease bestowed so iniquitously upon those already blessed with an abundance of looks, money, and charm. He looked absolutely delicious in a black tuxedo and white shirt.
He was a big man, which Emma realized was a big part of his attraction. She forgot about her extra padding and the curves whenever she was next to him. He made her feel comfortable in her own skin.
At six-foot-three, he towered above almost every other man in the room. His dark, almost midnight black hair was brushed back from his face, the stray curl that usually fell across his brow tamed for the night. The thick, ebony strands hung longer than the styles of most of the men present, brushing just below the collar of his white shirt. Maddox was man enough to pull off the look. His features were the most masculine she’d ever seen, other than in drawings of Greek gods, with just a hint of…pretty. He could be modeling his products instead of merely selling them.
As he made his way through the crowd, more than one person stopped him, wanting just a moment to bask in the warmth surrounding Maddox like a cloak. He might not enjoy the holidays, but he knew how to give. There wasn’t an employee present that would ever say one bad thing about him or even think of looking for another job. Maddox treated his people like family, and the family loved him for it.
The men extended their hands, receiving a cordial shake in return and, more often, a friendly pat on the back and a warm smile. The women were more presumptuous, taking the opportunity to melt into Maddox’s side like flies stuck to glue traps. Whether twenty or sixty, they wanted to love him in a totally different way.
She couldn’t blame them, but she hated them for it.
Didn’t they know he was hers?
That’s probably what every woman here thinks…
Emma looked away as he moved forward again. She knew where he was headed. Straight for them. For her.
His bestfriend.
Sometimes she hated that word.
Maddox Walker was reluctant to admit that he was as nervous as a teenager picking up his prom date. This year had been the best of his life and career, except for one thing—Emma wasn’t by his side to celebrate. Oh, she was at the party already. As he watched from the back, he’d seen her the moment she’d entered. But she wasn’t there with him, and that was about to change.
She’d had him tied up in knots for years now. They’d met while he was finishing his college MBA, determined to set the world on fire. She’d been a dewy-eyed and innocent freshman, unaware of the predatory ways of men. Seven years his junior, he’d taken on the job as protector and teacher. It wasn’t how he’d planned on their relationship evolving, and now he was running out of time to change the trajectory. Oh, they made great business associates—he came up with the creative ideas, and she knew exactly how to implement them.
But that wasn’t what he wanted their relationship to be. At least not all he wanted it to be. He’d never merely seen her as a business partner. He’d known as soon as he’d laid eyes on her that she was his. At first, he’d simply bided his time, waiting for her to gain some maturity and a little social experience. She’d matured, yes. His body took note of just how much as he caught sight of her in the body-hugging dress. Damn! It was a good thing the room was crowded, or he’d drag her to his private suite and peel that lovely thing off her. He’d spent many sleepless nights wondering about the curves she tried so hard to hide beneath the shapeless clothing she usually wore.
Yes, she’d definitely matured in that respect. In others—socially and sexually—she’d stayed the same naïve, dewy-eyed girl, remaining almost nun-like for the last several years.
On the one hand, he’d wanted her to gain some experience so that there would be no question that when he staked his claim, she would never doubt that she was his. On the other hand, he was very grateful that she had remained so innocent—he wasn’t sure how he’d have handled her seeing another man.
Now that he’d decided he had waited long enough, he was nervous. If she had no experience, how would she view him after all these years? Too old? Only as a friend?
As the guy to cut her sexual teeth on before she moved on?
Was she even attracted to him?