Page 9 of A Christmas Kiss
Maddox looked as though he wanted to say something else but said instead, “Scoot over here next to me then, and let’s enjoy the tree together.”
“I can’t believe you actually have a tree. You usually don’t bother.”
“A tree seemed important this year.” He settled against her, and his arm came around her shoulders. When she laid her head on his shoulder, his hand moved to rest against the sensitive skin just below her ear, his thumb idly stroking her earlobe.
They sat that way for long minutes, the blinking lights of the tree throwing patterns against the neat white walls. The fireplace was lit, casting an added glow around the room, making it feel as though they were alone in a warm cocoon all their own.
Emma found herself trying not to breathe for fear of disturbing the moment. She looked at Maddox through half-closed eyes, tracing his features in the soft light. She felt both restful and restless as she sat there with him.
Restful because one of her dreams was coming true. She’d fantasized about sitting just so with Maddox in front of a blazing fire and a beautifully decorated tree every year.
Restless because his body created more heat inside her than the fireplace.
“Emma,” Maddox said softly. “I’ve got to ask you….”
She murmured something, perhaps a tiny protest at having the peaceful moment interrupted. Or of having to face the reality of why she was sitting in Maddox’s apartment, in his embrace, and feeling anything but friendly.
“While we were kissing, did you…like it?”
Her eyes opened wide, her mind searching frantically for the answer that would lead to the least embarrassment as her mind jumped swiftly to all the what-ifs.
What if he hadn’t liked it?
What if he wanted her to admit it first?
What if he was trying to find an easy way to say they should just stay friends?
She didn’t pull away from him, but her whole body tensed guardedly. “Why do we have to talk about it right now?”
Couldn’t she just have these moments with him?
“Please don’t jump up and run away. I just wondered whether you would want to do it again?”
Emma closed her eyes. Was he saying he wanted to kiss her again? Or was he trying to figure out if she wanted him to kiss her again?
“I mean...” she chuckled awkwardly, “I’m not so good at it…at kissing, I mean. I…haven’t done much practicing,” she finished lamely, blushing to the roots of her hair at the nervous admission. “I doubt you…anyone would want to kiss me more than once.”
Maddox was silent for so long that she finally worked up the nerve to look up at him. Maybe the topic was so dull he’d gone to sleep. Her heartbeat quickened as she found him staring at her, his dark eyes holding an incredulous look.
“You can’t mean that, Emma.” His arm tightened around her. “I’d like to kiss you every day for the rest of my life.”
Emma blinked, trying to understand his words over the pounding of her heart. Could he mean…
“Maddox?” she questioned softly, hopefully.
“I’m tired of looking at the Christmas tree lights, Emma. I’d much rather look at you. Beneath the lights. In my arms.” His fingertips traced the soft skin of her shoulders, caressed the smooth line of her throat, and then slid sensually under the low neckline of her dress to caress her breast. The heat of his hand on her so intimately sent a sharp shudder of feeling through her.
“I want to touch you, Emma, every delectable inch of you. I want to make love to you.” Desire gave his voice a rough edge.
“Maddox, I…I want that too.”
Was she dreaming? Had the champagne gone to her head, making her hallucinate?
She reached for him, her hands finding his shirtfront. He’d removed his jacket, and she could feel the heat of his skin beneath the expensive fabric. His heartbeat thundered beneath her palm.
His head bent toward her, and she met him in a kiss that was firm but not demanding. His hand moved inside her dress to cup the fullness of her breast. Emma was glad now that she’d chosen the dress. She arched into his hand, pushing her aching flesh into his calloused palm. The feel of his rough skin against her flesh made her groan.
His tongue slipped between her lips, gently tracing the outline of her teeth, then nibbling on the soft flesh of her bottom lip.