Page 101 of I Love You Today
Josh entered the frame on her tiny phone. “It’s an incredible accomplishment, Case. Just look at how much you’ve done this last semester alone.”
Well, you got the alone part right.
“You guys, please. I just don’t want to make a big deal out of it, okay? Come on, please don’t fly back here.” Casey rubbed her eyes and slumped against the wall on the barstool. She gulped down the last half of her beer and chipped away at a dried speck of red sauce on the counter with her fingernail.
With a roll of her eyes, Mavis pulled the phone away from Josh. “Don’t do this, Case. Graduationisa big deal. You’ve worked your ass off all these years, balancing work and school, and now an internship too! I’m so tired of you short-changing yourself!”
And where have I heard that before?
Casey wrinkled her nose and propped the phone up against her empty beer bottle on the counter. Picking at the hole in her jeans, she sighed. “You’re sweet, Mavs. You really are. It’s just... I don’t know. After everything that happened, it’s kinda—”
“That’s just it, Case. You never told us what happened.” Mavis leaned forward, her eyes boring into her own through the tiny screen. “You took off after the wedding without a word. No call, no text... no explanation.”
Casey shrugged, peeking at the plastic-wrapped couch in the living room. “Look, Mavs, you said it yourself. Austin and I just weren’t right for each other, okay?” She returned her eyes to the phone, ignoring the pain rebounding in her heart. “At least not after...”
“Not after what? Case, I’m not trying to pry, but it’s beenmonthsand neither of you will talk about what happened!”
Neither of us? Well duh! How could he admit to what he did... to you of all people!
Casey shook her head, the sting of tears welling behind her lids again. Her gaze rested on the dirty pan atop the stove, the smell of cheesy sandwiches oozing from her memory.
I can’t do it.
“I’m sorry, Mavs. I can’t do this. I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Case, please wait—”
Casey ended the call and pushed her phone across the counter. It crashed into the wall and tumbled to the floor with a resounding crack, the ache in her heart returning as the screen shattered.
Austin’s voice echoed in her mind.I love you too, Mavis. I love you too, Mavis. I love you too, Mavis.His words pierced her soul all over again, stuck on repeat for the last five months.
“Fuck you, Austin Templeton!” she roared and dropped to her knees to examine her phone. A piece of broken glass fell into her palm. “Just... fuck you,” she whispered, swiping tears from her cheeks. His face swam in her mind, his sweet grin breathing life into her tired body, his blue eyes with the white lashes piercing her soul, exuding confidence and strength, pushing her forward.
“Well, I did it, Austin. You got what you fucking wanted. I’m graduating, and I love my stupid internship...” Her body crumpled to the kitchen floor, the cool tile soothing her damp cheek as the sign that readBoyd, Bernstein & Templeton at Lawin front of the Michigan Avenue office swam in her brain. “I hope you’re just as fucking happy as I am.”
A knock on the door jarred her, pulling her from the impromptu pity party on the kitchen floor. Quickly brushing away the tears, Casey yanked her body upright, blew her nose in a paper towel, and opened the door. A bright-eyed brunette and a young man in a navy-blue polo greeted her teary-eyed face.
“Hi! I’m Josie!” The pen on her clipboard whirled through the air, hanging tight to the pink string on the rusted metal ring. “I’m from K&R Realty. We have a two o’clock appointment to show your apartment. Your lease expires this month, right?” The man behind her grinned and bobbed his head.
Duh. You know I only signed a six-month extension...
Casey sighed and nodded, reaching to the dining room table to snag her bag and jacket.
“No problem,” she muttered. “I’ll get out of your hair.” Casey stepped outside the apartment and took two steps down the staircase before inspiration struck. Turning around, she poked her head back inside. “Oh, and that couch comes with the place. Brand new. Free of charge.”
Josie nodded and scratched a note onto her clipboard, nudging her polo-wearing client in the elbow.
“That’s kind of perfect, actually. I don’t have any furniture yet,” he said.
“All yours then... the pillows too,” Casey murmured before pulling the door shut and heading downstairs.
Tiny white snow flurries wafted in the cold air as she left the building, shivering beneath her jacket. Her feet trudged forward, moving her swiftly toward the parking garage and the tried-and-true Ford Fiesta.
Ramming the keys in the ignition, Casey glanced at the rearview mirror and groaned as her tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes reflected back. With a sigh, her fingers lifted to tap the little mirror, a fresh wave of sadness settling in the pit of her stomach.
Why’d you have to ruin everything, Austin?
“We were so good together,” she whispered into the silence. Shaking her head, she stuffed her hand into her bag and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. With a crank of her arm, the window lowered, and she lit a cigarette with fiery rebellion in her heart—her promise to quit floating out the window in a flurry of ash.