Page 15 of I Love You Today
For over an hour, thelure of the unread text message had plagued her mind. But Jim, the manager at The Broken Shaker, loomed, his rules forbidding cell phones while on the clock. Curiosity grew in her heart as her hands shook and poured another round of martinis for table two—anticipation creeping along her spine as the minutes ticked by. She tapped her foot, willing each second away until she could pull out her phone and see if it was Austin who had responded.
Mavis’s replacement, Samantha, clocked in and wrapped an apron around her waist. And on the dot at 8:00 PM, she stepped to Casey’s side and took over. Snagging her purse and jacket from beneath the bar, she bolted from the restaurant. A blast of icy wind lashed at her skin, whipping her hair into her face.
Isn’t it supposed to be spring already?
Dipping her hand into her bag, she rummaged for her phone. A wide grin consumed her lips as Austin’s name appeared. Her heart flip-flopped, his name sending a bout of nerves to swim in her belly as she turned the corner. The tips of her fingers—now numb from the cold air—tingled. Opening his text she read,Sounds like I better move to Chicago then. I can’t go back on a promise.
Casey grinned, falling in love with the silly text banter they now shared. She tappedreplyas her apartment came into view, the lack of light in the third-floor window an unwelcome reminder Mavis had indeed moved away.
She typed out,You know... I do have a spare room. Chicago calls, California boy.As she hitsend,her aching feet carried her through the front door of the building. She trudged upward, each stair sucking the last remaining strength after a nearly nine-hour shift at the bar.
Casey’s fingers clasped around her keys as the phone rang, Austin’s name appearing on her screen.You want to talk, not text?Butterflies attacked her empty stomach as she tappedacceptand unlocked the door.
Stepping inside, her foot grazed a stray winter boot in the entryway. She staggered forward, throwing her hands out to grip the dining room table chair before her face met the tile. “Oh! Shit!” Her purse dropped as the chair upended, her butt meeting the floor with no more grace than a toddler in ballet class.
“Casey?” Austin’s voice called through the phone. “Are you okay?”
She rubbed her butt and brought the phone back to her ear. “That hurt.” Tears burned behind her lids as she kicked the chair aside.
“What happened? Are you all right?”
“Oh, I’m fine... just tripped on a stupid boot.”
“You’re sure you’re okay?”
“Ugh... just some wounded pride and a sore butt. Nothing new. I’ll be fine.” She wiped the tears from her eyes and snorted.Way to make an impression, Casey.Forcing her body to stand, she stumbled to the couch and plopped down. “Umm, what’s up? Are you calling to interview for the political science tutoring position I have open?”
He laughed. “I don’t know. How much does it pay?”
“Payments are fulfilled with pitchers of Old Style.”
“Oh, hell no. I rescind my interest completely.”
A laugh burst from her belly, the eruption of joy welcome after the long day on her feet.
“Damn it! I’ll pull your application. And I had such high hopes for you too. Your qualifications were perfect.”
He chuckled, each bubble of laughter lifting her spirits. With little effort, he’d quickly become the soother of her soul in small, yet meaningful ways.
“No joke, though. I’m really happy to hear you enrolled in a course for summer. You’ll do great, Casey girl.”
She smiled, the sweet and simple nickname warming her heart. “Umm well, yeah... don’t hold your breath. I told you, school isn’t really my thing.”
“I don’t believe that for a second. But hey, if you do need help, I really am here. I love that stuff.”
“So, it’s okay if I call you in tears at three in the morning to ask you how a bill becomes a law?”
He snickered. “You definitely can, but it might be more fun if you just walk next door and ask.”