Page 29 of I Love You Today
“How did you find an empty suite on Michigan Avenue?” She squinted, shielding her eyes from the blinding sun.
“No idea. I guess Mrs. Harris has the inside scoop.” He smiled, clasping her hand in his. “What do you think, though? This is it, right?” Austin tugged her toward the glass. The lake glimmered in the spring morning sunshine, Navy Pier smiling back in the distance.
“Well, I mean, you really can’t beat this view.”
“Way better than L.A.,” he murmured. He squeezed her hand, sending a tingle to shimmy along her skin. “Should I do it?”
“Do what?”
“Sign the lease!” He laughed, a wide smile consuming his lips. The light caught the smattering of white lashes on his eye.
Her heart flip-flopped in her chest as the excitement bubbled from him, like a kindergartener ready to run out the door for recess.
“I don’t think you’ll find much better in this city.” She tapped her finger to the glass. “But I’m no expert. My opinion doesn’t mean too much.” Casey snorted and tucked a curl behind her ear, dropping her gaze to the floor.
Austin scrunched his nose. “My dear Cinderella, your opinion means more to me than anyone else in the world right now.”
“Ahh! Mrs. Templeton! So lovely to meet you!” A woman in a brown pantsuit rounded the corner.
“Mrs. Templeton?” Casey whispered. The air escaped her lungs in one giant breath.
“Just go with it,” he pleaded, raising his brow. His breath tickled her ear as a grin tugged at her lips.
Mrs. Templeton, huh? Now that has a ring to it!
“Delighted to meet you too, Mrs....” Casey extended her hand as the woman joined them at the window.
“Harris. Ellen Harris.” Her fingers crushed Casey’s in a handshake.Ouch!“So, what do you think?” She waved her arms at the view.
“Well, it’s not called the Magnificent Mile for nothing.” Casey grinned, slipping her aching hand back into Austin’s. “It’s exactly what my husband has been looking for.” She squeezed his palm and avoided his face, fearful of the fit of giggles that would, without a doubt, overtake her if she caught his eye.
“Shall I draw up the papers?”
Austin nodded. “Well, since my wife approves, let’s do it!” He smiled and returned the squeeze on Casey’s palm.
“I should be able to have everything in order by about...” She tapped her watch. “Two this afternoon. Meet me back here then?” Smacking her gum against the roof of her mouth, she winked.
“Absolutely. Thank you, Mrs. Harris.” Austin shook her hand.
“See you soon.” She retreated, the heels of her shoes clicking down the hallway.Clickety-clack, clickity-clackuntil the elevator door closed.
“My dear husband. So kind of you to want my opinion this morning.”
His eyes widened as an embarrassed grin cracked his lips. “I’m so sorry,” he said with a snicker. “At some point, she just assumed I was married and started making comments about my wife, and I didn’t know how to correct her without being weird.” He shook his head and lifted his gaze again to the view of Lake Michigan.
“I just really didn’t want anything to jeopardize this place, so I played along.” His hand slid to her waist, his fingers tugging at the belt loops on her jeans. Pulling her body into his, he whispered, “Thanks for your help, Mrs. Templeton.”
The hesitation of the last few days seemingly disappeared as he leaned in and touched his lips to hers. The connection—electric and sizzling—returned her body and mind to the living room sofa.
If I’m a rebound, California boy... I won’t stop you from scoring!
Dipping her hands beneath his jacket, Casey squeezed the muscles in his lower back. A groan escaped him as he deepened his kiss and toyed with the hem of her shirt.
Adrenaline hammered through her heart, his tongue exploring. Fueled by his sudden physical interest, her needy fingers worked, greedily yanking the jacket from his body. It dropped to the floor with a soft thud.
“Mmm... Casey girl,” he murmured against her lips as he coaxed her right leg up and around his middle.