Page 38 of I Love You Today
She shook her head. “Hardly. You should see my high school transcripts.”
“High school doesn’t matter.” He grinned, chopping a pancake on her plate in half with a fork.
“Maybe not to you. What were you... like valedictorian?”
He snorted, shoving a bite into his mouth. “Salutatorian.” He winked. “Josh beat me.”
Good Lord. I was joking.
“Oh, God.” Casey tugged her hand through her hair, a fresh wave of anxiety stabbing her in the gut.
“Look, Case. All that matters right now is you.” He pushed the perfectly cut-up pancake back in her direction. “And you need a good breakfast this morning.” The right side of his mouth tugged upward in a smile.
With a roll of her eyes, Casey picked up the fork and stabbed a bite, the gooey syrup oozing to the plate. She stuffed it in her mouth and the sugar collided with her tongue.
Oh, these are Heaven.
“You know they are.” She shoved another bite in her mouth and smirked, wiping the stray syrup from her chin.
He tapped the counter and grinned, turning to attack the dirty dishes. “It’s backed by research, you know. Higher test scores are linked to a healthy breakfast.”
She stuffed another bite in her mouth and chewed. “Healthy?”
“All right...” He snorted. “Let’s amend that totastyinstead.” Snickering, he dried the frying pan with a dishcloth and returned it to the corner cabinet. “I have to run, beautiful.” Stepping around the corner, he planted a kiss on the top of her head. “But I know you’ll do great.”
“If you say so...”
“Don’t forget, Lauren’s flight gets in at eleven. Text me when you’re done, and I’ll meet you back here, okay?”
Casey nodded, forcing a smile on her lips. “Can’t wait to meet her.” Her stomach dropped.
Austin snagged his briefcase from the dining room table, pulled his keys from his pocket, and opened the door. “Good luck, Cinderella.” He smiled and stepped into the hallway, pulling the door closed behind him. His key twisted in the lock as his footsteps disappeared.
And just where is your fairytale magic when I need it?
The little blue Fordrolled into a parking space. Casey yanked the keys from the ignition and sighed. No matter how sweet Austin’s efforts, the nerves in her belly still sparked like the frayed end of a wire.
First this stupid test... and then meeting Lauren... yikes! Today is gonna be a rough one.
She pulled her curls into a ponytail as raindrops smacked against the windshield. Leaning back, she exhaled as the morning’s events washed over her.
“Salutatorian?” she muttered. “You were probably top of your class at law school too.” She stared out the window at the front sign on the brick building, her eyes skimming over the bold orange letters of Harold Washington Community College.
How the hell are you even interested in me, Austin?
Casey blew out a breath and tossed the keys in her bag as her heart stalled, the sickening, sudden realization squeezing the air from her lungs.God, I could use a cigarette right now.Her fingers brushed against a piece of paper in her bag and she tugged, revealing Austin’s handwriting.
Good luck today, Casey girl! You’ll do great! Top of the class, no doubt.
Casey scowled, his confidence in her churning the pancakes in her stomach as she rammed the note back into her purse.It’s just a test.His words drifted over her, grating at her soul as his image appeared standing in a glass window on the twelfth floor of Michigan Avenue. “You’re right, Austin. Toyou, it is just a test.”