Page 54 of I Love You Today
He shook his head. “When are you gonna realize just how smart you really are, Casey girl?”
“Oh, stop it,” she hedged. “I’ll umm... see you soon, okay?”
“Can’t wait, Cinderella.” He ended the call and set his phone down with a grin. “Champagne, a cheesy sandwich, and a boost of confidence for you, Casey.”
With a deep breath, Austin returned to his laptop, closing out the tabs of unused flight options until an ad caught his attention on the right side of the screen. He snickered as a silly throw pillow with a Chicago Cubs pattern appeared. “Perfect,” he whispered, pulling his credit card back out and placing the order. Another confirmation pinged in his inbox as he dragged a hand through his hair with a smile. He tilted his head and shrugged. “May as well get a new couch while I’m at it.” And ten minutes later, a new blue couch appeared in his inbox—confirmation of delivery within two weeks.
No more sunken butts for us, Case.
Smoke infiltrated hisnose the moment he reached the third floor. Gripping the doorknob, he pushed the apartment door open and met the ear-piercing screech of the fire detector.
Standing on top of a dining room table chair, Casey waved a red dish rag in front of the screaming device until it quieted, smoke still billowing from the frying pan on the stove.
Austin dropped the grocery bags onto the kitchen counter and held out his hand as Casey hopped down. “What happened?” He eyed the unidentified, blackened to a crispmealon the stove.
“I suck at cooking. Like... really suck!” She giggled and snuggled into his arms with the dish towel still in hand.
“What the hell is it?” Austin twisted their bodies and pointed at the frying pan.
“Nothing edible.”
He tightened his hold, pulling her small body into his until she melded into him like the fit of two adjacent puzzle pieces.
“Why don’t you leave the cheesy sandwiches to me, Chef McDaniels?”
She snorted. “I guess I’m a sous chef for a reason.” Tilting her face upward, she grinned and glided her thumb along his bottom lip, silently begging for his kiss. Austin leaned down and pressed his mouth onto hers. The moan tumbling from her lips fueled him, her fingers tugging at the knot in his tie—a welcome invitation.
Adrenaline flooded his body as he gripped her hips, the friction of her skin against his triggering a shiver to zip along his spine. Her mouth pulled from his, moving to trail kisses along his jaw to the tip of his ear. Heat thundered through him, anticipation coursing through his veins as she shifted and sank her teeth playfully into his earlobe.
“I’m hungry,” she whispered.
He grinned, dropping his hands to cup and squeeze her butt cheeks. “Hungry for what, Ms. McDaniels?” he murmured, dragging his hands along her body to rest on her breasts.
She giggled, each bubble of laughter melting his heart as regret seeped from his soul.Why do I let myself even think about Mavis when I have you, Casey girl?
“Food first, sex second.” She smiled and pulled his hands off her chest.
Austin closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. “Counterproposal,” he whispered. “Sex first, food second.” He dropped his hands back to her butt and squeezed.
Poking him in the chest, Casey laughed. “That’s your counterproposal? I thought you were this hot-shot lawyer in a courtroom.”
“You don’t need a courtroom for estate planning—and rarely for divorces, my political science extraordinaire.” His arousal diminished as his stomach growled.
You win. Food first.
“You did promise me champagne.”
“In the bag.” He pointed toward the counter. “You pour, I’ll cook.” And with a smirk, Austin dumped the unidentified, burnt to a crispmealin the trash.
What the hell was that even supposed to be?
“Oh! This is fancy shit right here!” Casey pulled the champagne from the bag, her eyes twinkling with excitement as she read the label.
Austin rolled up his sleeves and filled the sink with hot soapy water, dropping the frying pan in the bubbles. “It’s not every day we get to celebrate an ‘A’ on an exam.” He winked and picked up a sponge.
She rolled her eyes. “You act like it’s a big achievement.” Casey tugged at the cork and frowned when it didn’t budge.