Page 57 of I Love You Today
Her reflection mirroredback, sliced in half by the large crack down the middle of the glass. She twirled, her yellow maid of honor dress flowing in the breeze as the material slid an inch down her chest.
Casey snorted and yanked the dress back up. “Why did you have to pick a dress with no straps, Mavs?” With a grimace, she turned to her jewelry box and tugged the lowermost drawer open. Her fingers brushed against a strand of pearls in her search for pins. “Oh! Grammy’s pearls!” She pulled them free, running the delicate necklace along her fingers as she clasped it around her neck.
Returning to the mirror, she grinned.Perfect.“And less money I have to spend on jewelry...”
She snorted and resumed her search for pins, tugging some free from the depths of the middle drawer. Casey contorted her arms, working to stuff pins in the gown at odd angles. With a laugh, she rammed the last pin in the fabric and returned to the mirror for a final spin.
The dress stayed firm to her chest. “There,” she announced to herself. “Now I won’t flash anyone—and I just saved about a hundred bucks on alterations.” Casey stepped back, eyeing the final look. She reached upward to tuck her curls behind her ears, her finger brushing against her naked left earlobe.
Shit! Where’s my earring?
Her gaze fell to the floor, searching for the silver stud amidst the chaos of dirty clothes, school notebooks, and mismatched flip-flops. Casey scrunched her nose, forcing her brain to recall the last moment she had it.I had it in the library. I had it at dinner.Her heart lurched. “Austin’s bed!”
Her bare feet padded down the hall to the dining room where Austin sat, camped out in his usual spot as his fingers flew across the keyboard.
“Hey, have you seen my earring?”
His gaze lifted from the screen, a grin growing on his lips. “What’re you wearing?” He leaned back in the chair and tugged his reading glasses from his face, dropping them to the table.
“Oh, just the ever-so-practical, three-hundred-dollar, one-time-wear-only, maid-of-honor-dress.” She performed an exaggerated twirl and stumbled over her own bare feet.
Austin snorted. “I cannot wait to see what you do on the dance floor.”
Her eyes widened as a smile cracked her lips. “And in heels too!”
He laughed. “Did you forget? Ballroom dance expert right here.”
Casey tapped her forehead playfully. “How did I forget I was dating Fred Astaire?”
Austin grinned and stood. “In all seriousness, you look stunning, Casey.” He reached for her. “Absolutely beautiful,” he whispered. His hands ran the length of the yellow fabric as his lips trailed down her neck, planting soft kisses on her bare skin.
She shivered.
“But I can’t wait to take it off you,” he murmured, lifting the chiffon to expose her butt cheeks. He squeezed, tugging at her lace panties.
Casey giggled and pressed her hands to his chest. Heat washed over her as the light from the window caught his eyes, the feathering of white on his lashes accentuated by the sun’s afternoon rays.
You’re freaking irresistible, Austin Templeton.
His fingers traveled up her back and gripped the zipper.
“It’s pinned in a thousand places, so don’t get too excited yet, sir.” She giggled as his face fell. “But after the wedding, you have my permission to rip it off me.”
“It’s a deal.” He grinned and leaned forward, pressing his lips onto hers as his fingers threaded through her hair, skimming her ear.