Page 61 of I Love You Today
She nuzzled into him, the morning stubble on his chin scratching her cheek. “I know. And I’m sorry. It does sound like an amazing opportunity. I just have, like, zero confidence.” Her face fell as her fingers searched for the missing drawstring on her sweatshirt.
He nudged her chin upward as his eyes found hers. “My goal here is not to pressure you. I just don’t want you to miss out on an opportunity that makes a lot of sense for your future.”
She shook her head and tucked her hair behind her ears. “I swear, Austin, between you and Mavis, you’re the only reason I’m still in school and limping forward in life.” Pulling her body from his embrace, she rose from the couch and staggered into the kitchen, seeking a cup of coffee. The brown liquid poured into the mug as the brew infiltrated her nose, the power of caffeine perking her dismal mood.
Austin sank onto the barstool at the counter and propped his chin in his palm. He sighed, raking his eyes over her—his lips motionless.
Discomfort settled in her stomach as the coffee slid down her throat.
Is this some stupid lawyer tactic? Stare at the defendant until they talk?
“Say something, Austin.”
“Still your turn, Casey girl. You can’t just throw a comment out there like that and then walk away.” A half-hearted smile tugged at his lips.
“Ugh. You’re fucking infuriating to talk to sometimes. Do you know that?” She gulped another sip, cringing at the burn on her tongue. “I didn’t mean anything I said,” she spit out.
He shook his head. “No, you did. And I want to know more.”
“And I don’t want to talk about it, all right? Can we please just leave it alone?”
He frowned and slouched in his seat, his fingers trailing along the edge of the counter. A sigh escaped him as his gaze lifted to find hers.
She cringed and slammed the mug on the counter. “Fine, Austin! Do you really want to know why I’mstillin school? Why I’m not interested in a bachelor’s degree or a fancy internship with the mayor?” Blood pounded in her ears as the pangs of tears threatened her eyes, a tidal wave of emotions crashing in her heart. Her vision fogged, clouded by the frustration and anger welling in her eyes.
“Talk to me, Case...” he whispered. “Tell me.”
She dropped her hands to her hips as the first tears betrayed her lids and rolled down her cheeks. “I’m not like you. My family didn’t have money. My parents never went to school. My father died of an overdose when I was seventeen. My sister is in prison, and my mom wants nothing to do with me.” The words tumbled from her lips, spilling the secrets of her soul into the man before her. “Graduate high school, get a job, and get out of the house. That was it.” She shrugged and jammed her hands into the pockets of her sweatshirt. “And honestly, Austin, when Mavis pushed me to actually try to go to school full-time last year, I fucked it up. Among otherthings, I couldn’t balance a job and all the classes. And Mavis always picked up my slack. Always supported me through...”
Her voice wavered as her fingers dragged across her stomach, the still fresh memory of miscarriage squeezing her heart. She shook her head. “Never mind. Just never mind.” Casey picked up the coffee carafe and refilled the cup as a fresh wave of tears trickled down her face. She hung her head and swallowed the swell of emotions bubbling forth from her belly.
His arms encircled her, tugging her into the safety and comfort of his body, accepting her secrets, ready to be stored in his heart for safekeeping. His warm breath tickled the top of her head as he squeezed, threading his fingers through her hair. “I’m so sorry, Casey. I shouldn’t have pushed you to tell me all that,” he whispered.
She sobbed, pressing her face into his chest as embarrassment crashed around her.
“Mavis made you keep taking classes?” he murmured in her ear.
The embarrassment morphed into fury, spiraling and spewing with rage as it coated her heart, piling onto the frustration she shared with herbestfriend. Jealousy fueled the sudden blaze of fire in her soul, each flame licking at her wounded pride.
Fucking Mavis. It’s always about fucking Mavis with you!
She pulled away, yanking her body from his grasp. “I pour my soul out to you, and you’re going to focus on fucking Mavis?” Her voice quivered as she swiped at the tears, running her hand beneath her nose.
He shook his head. “No! Case! That’s not who I’m focused on!” His eyes widened as he reached for her.
She swatted him away, backing into the corner. “You are though, Austin! Don’t you see it? It always comes back to her!” Casey wrapped her arms around herself as shivers cascaded along her body.
“That’s not true,” he stammered, his gaze falling to the floor.
“Just last night, you told me you loved me.”
His eyes flew to hers. “And I do, Casey. I wouldn’t have said those words if I didn’t mean them.” He blew out a breath and dragged his hands through his hair. “What is happening here?”
Lauren’s note paraded through her mind again, the onset of uncertainty.
I have to know. I have to know if you’re over her. I have to know what you told your sister.
“Austin, are you over her? Are you still in love with Mavis?”