Page 67 of I Love You Today
“Just keep ’em coming, okay?” Lauren squeezed Miguel’s elbow with a smile.
“Whatever you say, boss.” He winked and backed out of the private party room’s side door with an empty tray.
“These are delicious.” Mavis brought the glass to her lips and sipped. “But dangerous!” She squinted, eyeing the drink. “What is it?”
Lauren giggled, heat rolling over her body in the crowded room. “It’s the Mystic Mavis!”
Casey choked on the liquid in her mouth, setting the glass on the table as the aqua-tinted cocktail sloshed over her hands. “I’m sorry, the Mystic Mavis?” She snorted and wiped her sticky hands on a cloth napkin. “Eight years of bartending and not once have I made that for anyone.”
Lauren gulped the rest of her drink, resting the empty glass on the table. “There’s a reason for that. It’s Pier Ninety Two’s signature drink of the evening in honor of our beautiful bride.”
Mavis smiled and dropped her gaze to her lap. “You didn’t need to do that, Lauren,” she murmured. Pink tinged her cheeks. “But it’s really tasty!” she added, perking up as a new song came on. “What’s in it?”
Casey held her hand up. “Hang on, let me guess.” She took another sip and set the drink on the table, licking her lips. “Tequila for sure... lime... and honey?”
Lauren’s eyes widened. “Damn! You’re close!” She pushed her empty glass to the side. “Tequila, pear puree, agave, and lime.”
Casey nodded and tossed back the rest of the liquid in her cup. “Well, I’ll be taking this recipe home to Chicago with me! It’s so good!”
The smile widened on Lauren’s lips as her gaze circled the party.Is everyone having fun?She shifted in her seat, tugging at the hem of her dress.Is the music too loud?Brushing a crumb from the tablecloth, she straightened her napkin.
“Lauren, please stop stressing.” Mavis smashed her lips together and tilted her head. “You’ve put together an amazing party. I can’t thank you enough!” Reaching across the table, her hand covered hers and squeezed.
With a nod, Lauren smiled, her gaze still circulating the room at the small groups of women hovering around cocktail tables, sipping drinks, snacking on appetizers, and chatting.
“Seriously, Mavs is right! I can’t believe you own this place!” Casey scooped up a fork and eyed the shiny silver. “I’ve never felt so fancy!” She dropped the utensil back to the table and dragged her fingers along the set. “I don’t even know what all of these are for.” She grinned.
Mavis leaned forward and pointed to each fork with a polished pink index finger. “Salad, dinner, and dessert.” She winked.
“Why do you even know that?” Casey squinted and wrinkled her nose.
“Our little Bensons were subjected to one too many dinner parties at our house as children.” Susan Templeton stepped to the side of the table and smiled, straightening the forks in front of Casey.
Lauren’s gaze lifted to her mother as she pulled a chair from a neighboring table and placed it between Mavis and Casey.
Mavis straightened, twisting in her seat to face Susan. “Oh! Mrs. Templeton, have you met my friend Casey yet?”
The color drained from Susan’s face as she smashed her lips together in a thin line. “You should probably just start calling me Susan, dear,” she answered curtly, dropping her hand to pick at a non-existent piece of lint on her navy-blue dress. “But no, we haven’t met. Though I hear my son is quite taken with her.” A brilliant white smile replaced her look of indifference as she extended a rigid hand in Casey’s direction.
“Oh! Umm... so nice to meet you, Mrs. Templeton!” answered Casey, gripping Susan’s fingers.
“Charmed,” she murmured, shaking her sticky hand.
Casey cowered and dropped her gaze as Susan released her hand.
“So... you’re the one who stole my son’s heart and sent him running across the country?”
Geez, Mom! Could you be any ruder right now?
Casey’s knee slammed into the table and rattled the silverware. “Ouch! Oh! Umm, I mean, well...” she stammered, straightening forks again.
“Mom, you know Austin left for Chicago for the law firm. Casey didn’t make him leave L.A.” Lauren shook her head as a sudden boost of courage burst forth from her heart, the many Mystic Mavis drinks coursing through her bloodstream.