Page 7 of I Love You Today
He rolled his eyes and handed her back a full cup. “Divorce and estate planning.”
“Cheerful. How’d you get into that?”
He shifted in his seat and yanked his hat from his head, resting his elbows on the table. The change in position brought his face closer, the new proximity speeding her heart rate. Above, the twinkle lights illuminated his face and lit up his eyes, accentuating the smattering of white lashes tucked in the corner.
How did I not notice that before?
Austin blinked and rubbed his fists against his eyes, breaking the trance of her fascinated gaze.
“Umm... I’m not really sure. It just kind of fell into my lap when I started at the firm. They needed someone to cover the clients in both areas, and then I just never stopped.”
“Do you like it?”
He shrugged. “The estate planning isn’t terrible, but the divorce part is depressing.” He gulped another mouthful of beer. “But if it leads to being made partner someday, I’ll keep doing it.”
Casey nodded. Having never held on to a boyfriend for longer than six months, her knowledge of divorce proceedings lacked, and estate planning? Far from her wheelhouse of expertise.
Austin drained his cup as the twang of a country song drifted from the ground floor to meet their ears. “All right, your turn, Miss Twenty Questions. I know you mix a good drink and you like baseball. Tell me something else about you.”
“What do you want to know?” She pulled the ball cap from her head and set it beside his on the table. With a practiced hand, her fingers threaded through her curls as his gaze followed each movement.
“Umm... anything.” He swallowed. “How about school? Where’d you go?”
“Sorry, Mr. Harvard. You’re looking at a community college drop-out.”
“Oh, umm. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...” He shook his head.
Frowning, she dropped her gaze to her lap, recalling the miscarriage that derailed the previous fall semester. “No, no, it’s okay. It’s my own fault,” she admitted. “But I guess I was toying with adding a summer class to my schedule. You know, just to try and get back into the swing of things? I’m notthatfar from graduation.”
He emptied the pitcher into her cup. “Oh, yeah? What class were you thinking?”
Casey pursed her lips, tapping her toes against the picnic table’s legs. “Well, I think I need one last social science class for my associates. So, I don’t know. Maybe political science or something?”
His back straightened as he leaned closer, his eyes widening with intrigue.
Of course, that would interest you.
“You’ll love it! Political science was always my favorite in undergrad. And it has so much practicality for any career. Law, politics, government, you name it.”
“Good. You can help me. I don’t know a thing about it!” She snorted and downed her beer.
“I’d be happy to.” His eyes met hers as a soft smile danced along his lips.
From the main stage, the music turned slow and the lead male’s voice dedicated the next song to a woman named Jillian. The lights dimmed, leaving the roof magically lit by twinkle lights—a forest enchanted by fireflies.
The change in lighting highlighted the magnificent cityscape, a view Casey had seen a hundred times before. But tonight, the beauty magnified in the spring evening. The sting of winter had finally gone.
“How about a dance, Case?” Austin extended his hand as he shifted to pull free from the picnic table.
Her stomach dropped, his offer stirring fear and anxiety to mix with the Old Style in her belly.You’ve seen me walk. In what world do you think I can dance?“Oh, umm... I mean, this isn’t really a dancing kind of place.”
The couple to their left stood and swayed away, their shadows twirling along the brick wall behind them to the guitar solo.
“Well, they’re not playing chess.” He pointed with a grin and circled the table to meet her.
He’s still not into you. This means nothing. He’s still not into you. This means nothing.
With an eye roll, she clasped his palm and stood, allowing him to steer her away from the safety of their table.