Page 73 of I Love You Today
The view from the Chicago office flashed in his mind, Lake Michigan sparkling in his memory as he climbed the small set of underground steps to the lobby. His shoes squeaked across the dull gray tile, the swirling patterns of the Windy City office flooring zigzagging through his brain. He pressed the button for the thirteenth floor and stepped inside the elevator, pulling his phone from his pocket. Josh’s name flashed across the screen and Austin read,I feel like absolute horse shit. Can’t remember half the night, but I’m sure it was fun! Thanks for the party, man.
He smiled, the final piece of his heart thawing from the fallout of last year. Stepping from the elevator, he tapped out,I don’t remember much either, but Casey tells me we played a rousing game of Go Fish. Wild tale to tell the future grandkids about your epic bachelor party!
Tucking his phone away, he stepped into the firm’s suite. The fluorescent lights beat down on him, and claustrophobia clouded his brain. Austin frowned, picturing the floor-to-ceiling walls in Chicago as he wound his way through the maze of cubicles.
“Mr. Templeton! You’re back!”
Austin’s hand froze on his office doorknob as Bernice shuffled down the hallway with a stack of manilla file folders balanced precariously in her arms.
“Hey, Bernice! Just for the day.” He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders in a small hug.
“Oh, you’re missed here, sweetie. But from what I hear you’re doing great work. The big bosses are pretty proud of ya.”
He swallowed and his cheeks warmed with embarrassment. Austin cupped the back of his neck as a sheepish smile tugged at his lips. “Well, I don’t know about that.” He adjusted the top few folders in her arms. “But I am trying. I really love it there. Chicago’s a lot of fun.”
A smile blossomed on her bright red lips. “Modest as always.” She sighed, her gaze sweeping over his face. “Hope you love it here too.” She squeezed his elbow and backed away.
Austin shook his head and opened the office door. Scanning the empty space, he sighed.Exactly as I left it.His desk—clean and tidy—looked back, facing the chair in the corner on the west window. Physically, nothing had changed, but as the door clicked closed behind him, a chill raced along his spine, an eerie sensation gripping his soul.
Chalking it up to the hangover raging through his body, Austin dropped into his chair and smirked as Josh’s response appeared.Are you fucking kidding me? Go Fish!?!?
He pounded out,You’ll have to ask Casey. I don’t remember it either. Are you still at the house?
A moment passed before Josh answered.Yep, I just woke up. You’re not here?
Austin opened his laptop and logged in. Pulling up the firm’s internal messaging system, he tapped out a note to Steven Boyd. Returning to his phone and Josh’s question, he answered,I had to run to the office. But I promise, I’ll be at the rehearsal on time.He hitsendand sneered, adding to his final text.Make sure Mitch is still alive. We might have to kill him together later.
His laptop pinged and Austin peered at the note from Steven reading,Welcome back! Conference room B, Templeton!
His eyes glossed over the wordswelcome back, the letters inciting the discomfort in his belly to seep deeper into his soul. With a sigh, Austin scooped up his laptop and stood, glancing out the window at the L.A. skyline. He frowned and left the office, striding down the hallway to the infamous conference room B.
Austin knocked on the door as laughter met his ears. Sticking his head inside, he smiled. “Sir?”
“Templeton!” roared Rodger. “The prodigal son returns. Come in, come in!”
“Shut the door, kid.” Steven waved him inside and tapped his fat fingers on the table.
His heart hammered, each beat threatening to escape his ribcage as he closed the door and stepped inside. He sank into the same seat he’d occupied when the Chicago job had been offered.
“Mr. Boyd, Mr. Bernstein, nice to see you both again.” He leaned forward and shook the hands of both men.
“Likewise! Likewise!” boomed Steven, propping his elbows on the table. “Home for a wedding, yes?”
Austin nodded. “My brother’s.”
“Very good. Very good. Well, thank you for stopping in while you’re in town.” He glanced at Rodger and grinned. “We have a question for you that feels best to ask in person.”
Austin gulped, swallowing the bile rising in his throat and fighting the wave of nausea brewing in his gut. He nodded and choked out, “Fire away.”
Rodger twisted his fingers around his mustache and winked. “We’re getting old, kid...” He leaned back in his seat and swiveled the chair back and forth.
“Hardly, sir.”
Steven beamed. “Unfailingly kind as you are, Rodger is right. And kiddo, it’s time we start to step back and begin putting the firm in younger—capable—hands.” He tapped his fingers together as his gaze lifted to lock eyes with Austin’s. “You’re the future of this place, Templeton. We both know it, and it’s time we make you a partner.”
Austin’s eyes widened, another bout of nausea sweeping his body and stirring the unease ripping through his stomach.