Page 26 of Slowly, All at Once
The next morning,Cody and Jacob removed the rafts from the top of the truck, while I prepared a breakfast of thick bacon, eggs, and blueberry pancakes. The ground was dewy from the temperature drop last night.
Cody had put on a large pot of coffee before the sun came up and it was still hot.
The twins kept me company. Entertaining me with the drama of, ‘I can’t double snap him,’ and ‘He left me on delivered for three hours.’ I didn’t have the heart to tell them it never changed.
Jacob barked at me to help the twins and their dad get packed up and ready to go. The twins scrambled to get their sleeping bags rolled up while I cleaned up the breakfast.
I was just putting the food back in the portable cooler when Jacob gave me another order. “And when the twins are packed, help those other two get their stuff together.”
I grabbed his arm. “Knock it off. I’m here to help. You don’t need to bark at me.”
He looked down at my scarred hand on his arm. He tensed. When his body relaxed, I dropped my hand.
“You’re right.” He looked back up at me. “Do you mind helping the…” He chuckled at his loss of words.
“I’ll help them,” I said, giving him a disapproving look.
With a slightly embarrassed grin, he walked off toward the river to prepare the rafts for our trip.
The morning air was cold. Fog settled on the water’s surface, silencing the world around us as we slowly made our way down the river. When Jacob wasn’t giving me orders, it was a peaceful coast with barely the need for a paddle. Cody had the sorority girls and Nora in his raft. I was with Jacob, Stephen and the twins.
My nerves were frayed from Jacob’s constant demands. “Camille, get the lifejackets. Camille, did you get the first aid kit? Camille, tie down the cooler. Camille, did you pack the waterproof camera?” My legs were heavy, my body exhausted by the end of the day. And I still needed to cook.
The conversation after dinner turned to the moose we’d seen grazing on the shoreline earlier, and the beauty and serenity of the day. The group obviously had a wonderful time, and I was proud of myself for not exploding on Jacob.
Cody sat on a log around the campfire getting plates of marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers together for s’mores. I skirted around the fire, leaned down and whispered, “I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back in a little bit.”
“Are you OK?”
“Yeah, just need a little me time.” I wrapped my arms around my middle and walked down the cleared path to the river.
I sat on a fallen pine tree, staring at the sparkling water and the sun setting over the mountains.
Finally, a moment to myself. I exhaled. I rolled my head around on my shoulders and stretched my legs out in front of me. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed being outside, being able to just breathe. My thoughts turned to the blank slate that was now my life, and I contemplated how I would paint it. Living in a tent was the most financially viable option right now. But I could do other things. Yesterday, I had wanted to imagine that Jacob and I might have a chance to close the emotional gap between us. Today, he was a total ass.
I sensed him before I heard him.
“I came to check on you.” He said quietly.
“I need a minute to myself, Jacob. I’m very tired,” I said, as I picked up a rock and threw it in the water.
When he didn’t respond, I looked over my shoulder to see him looking sheepish. His hands were shoved in his pockets.
He nodded. “I’ll come back.” But he didn’t turn to leave.
Hot tears pricked my eyes as I stared back out at the water.
“I’m sorry about today,” he said quietly.
I stood from the log, brushed the dirt from my bottom, and waited.
He stepped forward to stand in front of me. “I’m not sure what to do about you.”
“What are you talking about? Can’t you just be nice to me?”
He was silent.