Page 4 of Slowly, All at Once
I pushed my romantic ideas to the back of my head and decided to go all in with my request. “I was wondering if I could move in for a little bit? Maybe a few weeks or so.”
He almost choked. “Um, no.”
I scrambled to explain, telling him about brunch with my dad. “It will only be for a few weeks until I can find a job, and someplace else to live.”
“Ah, the frivolous Camille Bradley has fallen. Let me just sit here for a bit and soak it all in.”
“It’s really not funny, Jacob. And there are a lot of things I can do.”
He stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Actually, there is something you can do. You can move in, but I need some help.”
I scooted to the edge of the couch. “Anything. I can work in the store. I can do that.” I added, “I mean, I have been watching you work for years. How hard can it be?”
This was perfect. I could work in the store and get my trust fund back.
He leaned forward in his chair. His face was a mere foot from mine. “No, not the store. I need help on a trip.”
The fact that he seemed amused and was drawing this out did not bode well for me. Slowly, I asked. “What kind of trip?”
“A whitewater camping trip.”
I jumped from my seat. “No.”
He leaned back and grinned. “It’s my offer, Camille.”
He had me. I knew he had me. He knew he had me. I’d have to help him. I nearly growled. “Fine. But after that, I’m not helping out. We’ll just live together.”
His eyes sparkled with a sexy knowing glint. “An arrangement I know all too well.”
I grabbed my purse. “I’ll be back this afternoon with my things. I assume Mia left her bed.”
His ‘yes’ was mixed with laughter as I marched toward the front door. “Cody, I need a ride to my house.”
“You work for me, Cody.” Jacob said, but he was smiling.
I stared at Cody silently. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head, clearly indicating he needed to give me a ride.
“She needs a ride, boss.” Cody looked torn but was already heading out the door.
My last thought as the door shut behind me was that I needed to finish my calendar. And quick. I needed a place of my own.