Page 62 of Slowly, All at Once
“You knew he had to get back to training camp.”
It suddenly occurred to me that my dad and Pamela never knew about the baby. The doctor had spoken to me in private. After that, I had told only Jacob. I hadn’t told him everything, waiting to see how he reacted. When he’d left me so abruptly, I’d felt justified in keeping my secret.
My thoughts whipped back to the present. Oh my God! My dad and Pamela probably thought all along that I was just being an awful person.
“I did, but then dad was just pressuring me to get back to training for Rio.” Obviously, now I knew that Jacob thought I was hooking up with my trainer. Quietly, I said, “So much wasted time.”
She grinned broadly, and then winked at me, “Well, I hope you are doing a lot of making up.”
I laughed. “Oh, cheeky Pamela.”
She stood. “C’mon, I’m hungry.”
We made our way through the dining room to the buffet table, and enjoyed the rest of our Thanksgiving meal together.
When Jacob texted me a few days later that he was on his way home, I was almost desperate to be near him.
Boarding the plane. I’ll come over as soon as weland
I texted back quickly hoping to catch him before they made him turn off his phone Should I make dinner?
Nope, I just wantyou
Goodness, I missed him. I hope he still felt the same way when I told him what I’d done. I thought I could just go on keeping my secret. But if we were going to move forward, I had to tell him.
I paced the apartment. I laid down on the bed, counting the knot holes in the tongue-and-groove ceiling. How long was the flight? An hour and a half? I had time for a mud mask facial.
I shot up off the bed with my new found purpose: self-care.
Shortly after I’d finished my facial and changed my clothes for the third time, I heard Jacob’s truck tires crunching on the gravel driveway.
I flung open the front door. He took the steps two at a time, bracing his hand on the railing to lessen the impact on his weaker leg.
Swooping me into his arms, he buried his head in my neck. “Oh, I missed you,” he said between kisses.
“I missed you too.”
He lifted me and carried me backwards into the apartment. When he put me down, I pushed his jacket off over his shoulders. He smelled like cold air and wool. “How was your trip?” I asked as I hung up his coat.
He pulled his heavy sweater off over his head and threw it on the bed. He groaned. “It was good.” He sat on the couch and patted the seat next to me. “Come here, I’ll tell you all about it.”
My grin grew. I loved him like this. I sat down next to him, and tucked my legs under, leaning into him.
He draped his arm across the back of the couch.
“No kidding, Camille. I missed you.”
I touched his cheek. “No kidding, back at ya.”
He leaned forward and kissed me, breathing me in and out until we both felt more relaxed.
He sighed heavily. “I have so much to tell you.”
I laughed, and rested my head on my hand; elbow on his arm. “Well, please share.”
His eyes lit up. “So, John and I spent some time visiting some schools in San Diego, Laguna Beach, Los Angeles and then into San Francisco and Oakland, and I think we have a good pipeline now to get the football camp up and running.”
“Jacob, that’s fantastic!”