Page 26 of Deadly Pride
“By committing murder of a lot of people?” She shook her head. “No, I don’t think that’s needed.”
“You aren’t as enlightened as the one I serve.”
A cult? Liam frowned. “So enlighten us.”
“I’ve said all I need to.”
“Tell me about the sins.”
“There are seven deadly sins. Surely, you know that. You don’t take me as a stupid man, Agent.”
Liam felt as if the man smiled behind his helmet, laughing at them. “What now?”
“I wait for further orders.”
“How long?” Harper glanced over her shoulder out the window.
“For however long it takes. Please keep your gaze directed on me.”
“Get the fool to tell you more.” The chief’s voice came through Liam’s earpiece. “Act interested in his beliefs.”
“I really would like to know what the man you serve believes.” Liam pasted on a smile. “How do you get followers?”
“Law enforcement isn’t allowed in our ranks.”
“Why not?” His smile faded.
“Because you are some of the most prideful.”
“How can that be when we serve the public and rid the streets of thieves and killers?”
“That’s the exact reason. You don’t allow man free will. You place orders and rules that keep mankind penned in.”
“Like the man you serve does you.”
The man stiffened. “No. It’s different.”
“How?” Liam tilted his head. “He tells you what to do, and you do it without question. I doubt you have the choice whether to do what he says or not. I’m sure the consequences are severe if you deny an order or disobey.”
“Don’t push him too far,” the chief said in his earpiece. “We don’t want him shooting you. I mean it. You’re not to provoke him, only to get information about who sent him.”
The phone on the counter rang.
Chapter Ten
The man inthe helmet picked up the phone, listened, nodded, and hung up. “We’re leaving.”
“Excuse me?” Harper glanced again over her shoulder. “How do you propose to get past the SWAT team?” Where were they going?
“It won’t be difficult.” He grabbed a plastic picnic tablecloth off a shelf. “Time to get cozy.” He stepped out of sight of the window and motioned them forward.
He couldn’t be serious.
“Agent, please take off your pants. You’ll be switching with me.”
Clever man, but not too clever. If they weren’t wired…
As Liam went to do as he was told, the man shook his head, putting a finger to his helmet where his mouth was. Ah. He suspected they wore a wire.