Page 6 of Deadly Pride
“You sure she was asleep?” He straightened, reading the latest message on the wall. “Through pride the devil became the devil. Pride leads to every vice, it's the complete anti-God state of mind.”
Harper stepped next to him. “Sounds like the perp will be moving onto other sins.”
“Yep. Let's talk to the housekeeper. She's the primary suspect at this point. At least a person of interest.” Her tears didn't mean anything. He'd met some very good actors during his career.
“I'll catch up to you. I want to snap some photos before the crime scene techs arrive.”
Instead of heading downstairs, Liam took time to glance around the bathroom. Spotless, a towel neatly hanging on the rack. No cosmetics or toiletries littered the counter. A robe hung on a hook near a bathtub big enough for two.
The walk-in closet didn't reveal anything other than expensive name brand clothes and shoes. They had no more to go on than they did with the woman's brother.
He stopped at the top of the stairs and stared at the housekeeper. The woman didn't look strong enough to have taken down Lance Richardson. She had to be twenty years his senior which left Liam doubting she'd seduced him into submission.
No, the Richardsons’ killer was planning his next move.
Chapter Three
Harper glanced ather watch. “We have five minutes to meet the waitress.”
Liam said something to the housekeeper, then stepped back and nodded. “I think we're finished here.”
“Get any information from Blackwell?” Harper asked as they marched to her jeep.
“Brother and sister didn't get along. Fought over the estate after the parents died. Sister didn't feel much grief over the passing of her brother.” Liam stared over the top of the jeep. “Seemed happy to have it all to herself.”
“Not just the sin of pride then. Greed, too.” Harper opened her door and got behind the wheel. “Maybe that's why she was killed. Both posed in a humble position, though, which points back to pride.”
“I think it's safe to assume we're dealing with all seven sins.”
She drew a deep breath through her nose. Two deaths within twenty-four hours. “Why now? What triggered the killer to start killing?”
“That's what we need to find out.”
Unfortunately, more people would die in the meantime. She drove back to the nightclub, arriving five minutes late.
The server paced the parking lot, one of the bouncers watching from the doorway. Good man. He knew the dangers of her being alone at that time of the night. “Hope you have a hundred dollars.” Harper turned off the car and opened her door.
“What makes you think I do?” He got out and pulled his wallet from his pocket.
“You aren't the only one who can read people. Expensive suit, nice shoes...I figured you for someone who carried cash, especially when on a trip.” She flashed a grin and headed toward the woman waiting. “Sorry we're late. I'm Detective Scranton, this is Special Agent McConnell.”
“Amber. That's all I'm saying.” She leaned against a beat up Volkswagon. “Money first, then I'll tell you anything you want to know about Lance.”
“Alright, Amber?” The bouncer called.
“Yeah, go home, Mark.” She kept her attention on Harper. “I knew you were cops the minute you entered the club. You both have that vibe.”
So much for blending in. Harper pulled a small notepad from the inside pocket of her jacket as Liam handed Amber her payment. “Was Richardson well liked?”
“People couldn't stand him. Man thought he was better than everyone else. He snapped his fingers, and we all jumped. If we didn't, we found ourselves without a job.” She crossed her arms. “Hate to speak ill of the dead.”
“Any idea of who might want him dead?”
“The list is too long.”
“What about his sister?” Her pen paused above the notepad.
“They fought a lot, but I don't think she'd kill him.”