Page 1 of Vegas Showdown
“You keep spinning around like that and you’re going to make yourself puke.” Tyler rolls over onto his back and brings his hands up behind his head.
“Whatever, Tyler. Why can’t you just be happy for me?” I let out a deep sigh then nudge him on the leg with my sandal.
Tyler Green has been my on-again off-again boyfriend since the sixth grade, and while I’d like to say he’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, it’s days like today I’d like to lean down and strangle him. In fact, it’s days like today I wonder why I’m even wasting my time.
“Iamhappy for you, but I also want you to look at things realistically. Taking a year off from college may not sound like a big deal to you, I just don’t want you to regret it later.”
I take the spot beside him on the ground, tucking my long flowing skirt underneath me, and rest my head against his chest. “If I turn down this offer, I might not get another one for a couple months.”
“Kat,” Tyler brings his hand up to my face and pushes a blonde lock behind my ear. “Just don’t drop out of school.”
“Tyler, I’m broke. My family isn’t rich like yours—” My voice trails off. I cringe thinking about how much I’ve already accumulated in student loans and knowing I’ve got two more years to go. We could discuss this all night long and never see eye to eye. He knows my dream is modeling, not teaching school.
“You’re broke because you keep buying clothes for these modeling gigs.”
“These modeling gigs is what helps pay for my apartment and the other bills that come with living on your own.” I can’t help but sigh. Tyler has no idea how fortunate he is not to worry about this kind of stuff.
“So move back home. I’m sure your parents wouldn’t mind.”
Leaning up on my elbow, I stare intently into Tyler’s ocean-blue eyes. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I said move back home. The money you’re spending on that dump you live in you could put it towards your tuition.”
And I’d have to abide by my parents’ rules,I want to add.
It’s useless to argue with him at this point. He simply doesn’t get it. And he never will. Going back home is not an option anymore. I enjoy my freedom, and I like being able to go and come when I want to without someone looking over my shoulder.
“Two weeks,” I manage to say after a long, awkward silence.
“Two weeks what?” he asks and trails his fingers along my forearm.
“My flight.”
“Flight? Are you going somewhere?”
I nod my head without meeting his gaze.
“Kat, look at me.”
“You accepted the offer, didn’t you?” The tone of his voice shifts and it’s just as I feared.
“Have you lost your mind?”
“No, Tyler, I haven’t lost my mind. This is something I really want to do for me. For my future.”
“Your future?” he questions as he sits up. “What aboutourfuture? Do I not have a say in this anymore?”
“That’s not true and you know it. It’s just—”
The look on his face says enough. I should’ve ended our relationship a long time ago.
“Fine. You run off to Vegas and have your fun.”