Page 8 of Vegas Showdown
“Is it something you’d like to discuss here? Or would you like me to find someplace private? Better yet, could I talk you into getting a cup of coffee?” Jameson can’t believe the words that just left his mouth. Did he really just ask her if she’d like to have coffee with him?
It appears she’s just as stunned as him because it takes her a few seconds to reply.
“Coffee?” she inquires.
“I’m sure there must be a coffee shop nearby. It’ll be my treat.”
“Okay.Brewstopis right around the corner. Would that be okay?”
Jameson nods. He knows nothing about this area, but from the way her face lights up, she’s obviously familiar with the place. “Sounds perfect. As long as you don’t mind me following you.”
“Not at all,” she replies then looks down at her jeans. “Although had I known I was going out for coffee, I would’ve worn something more appropriate.”
“I could say the same for myself,” Jameson says and takes a few steps towards the front entrance. The room suddenly feels a little warm but unbuttoning his dress shirt doesn’t seem the most appropriate thing to do. Not now, anyways…
Sure enough, the coffee shop is less than a block away. And though he’s had his two-cup limit for the day, he’s willing to make today an exception if it means getting to know more about this gorgeous young woman. Who knew their brief encounter on Friday night would result in having coffee together today.
“So,” Jameson says as he slips into the seat across from her at a booth in the back corner. “I’m almost embarrassed to admit, but I don’t recall catching your name.”
“Kathryn. Kathryn Pryor,” she acknowledges with a sultry smile on her face. “But everyone calls me Kat.”
“Kathryn,” he says and meets her gaze with his. “Such a beautiful name.”
“Thank you. I’m named after my great-grandmother on my father’s side of the family. Seems she was a blonde too. Now that you know my name, are you going to tell me yours?”
Jameson feels his cheeks redden, especially since he was the one who initiated they learn each other’s name. “Silly me. Jameson York and my friends call me Jameson.”
They both laugh at his remark. Interestingly enough, no one has ever bothered to shorten his name before. No Jay, no James. Simply Jameson.
“Well, Jameson, I feel so much better now,” she says and reaches over the table for an official handshake.
Though they’d briefly shaken hands back at the apartment complex, he failed to notice just how soft and delicate her hands were until now. As soon as he lets go, he reaches for his cup of coffee and lifts it to his lips.
Mmm, delicious,he thinks to himself.
Kathryn…not the coffee.
Chapter 6
There’s something about the way Jameson York says her name that causes butterflies in her stomach…and if she’s being honest, a tingling down below. In fact, if she were to stand up, she’d most likely feel a trace of moisture in her panties. Yeah, he’s definitely not the type she be attracted to, but there’s something about him that she can’t quite put her finger on.
“How long have you lived at Magnolia Park?” Jameson asks, distracting her from her impure thoughts.
“Long enough to know it’s time Wesleigh and I look for somewhere else to live. What do you think about the rent going up? It’s insane to think people can afford to pay that much more with the way everything keeps going up lately.”
Kat notices Jameson quickly look away, giving her mixed signals about his reaction. Did he not feel the same way? Considering the way he was dressed and the car he drove, the additional funds might not mean much, but to her and Wesleigh…grrr, it angered her just thinking about it.
“I’m sorry,” he says while picking at the paper sleeve nestled around his cup. “I guess I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.”
“I’m even contemplating whether I should go on my photo shoot next week or use the money I was planning to take with me and put it towards rent.” Lowering her head, it’s her turn to look away. Cancelling her trip is the last thing she wants to do, but if it means having enough funds for the end of the month, she’s willing to make the sacrifice.
“Photo shoot?”
“Yeah, I got an offer to go to Vegas for two weeks. It’s my dream to be a model. Ever since I was a little girl. I want to work for someone reputable and not some here-today-gone-tomorrow agency. And let me tell you, there’s some real winners out there. They’ll promise you the moon and stars, send your images to hundreds of companies—or so they say—then you never hear back. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to ramble,” she says and lowers her hands to her lap.
“Your face lights up talking about it. I can see what it means to you,” Jameson adds.