Page 20 of Noah
Chapter Eight
“This counts as a real date, you know,” Lizzie reminded as she kissed my cheek, stepping back from her tiptoes to gaze into my eyes.
“I’m well aware,” I teased, grinning at her. “That’s why I’ve got my phone on vibrate and my attention is focused on a beautiful woman.” Lizzie smirked as I took her hand while she stepped down from her stairs onto the sidewalk. It was only a few blocks to the art museum, so we walked. I couldn’t help but peek down at her toenails that poked out of her open-toed heels; this time, a sparkling red polish replaced the navy from a few nights ago.
“I’m getting used to walking everywhere with you, mermaid,” she admitted, squeezing her small arms around my right bicep. “You’re growing on me.”
I let her words swirl around before responding, considering the depth of our conversation when Lizzie spent the night, the threat of reality interrupting every perfect moment we shared. It happened so quickly, this unplanned happiness…I almost felt like I didn’t deserve it, like something would interfere with us being more than friends.
“Good.” I kissed the top of her head, pushing away my pessimism. She stopped walking, jerking me back into her while her blue eyes narrowed. Hands on her hips, Lizzie pursed her lips. She even puffed out her chest and lifted her chin, defensive about something, and honestly, it was cute as hell. I bit my lip to fight the smile she gave me with her posture of challenge.
“What?” I finally asked, trying to act serious while she stared at me, but it was nearly impossible. I kept thinking of her sparkly toenails and how soft her toned calves looked while she stood there.
“That first weekend at the bar,” she began, blinking at me, “I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”
“Oh?” I bantered, licking my lips. “So you don’t actually like me?”
“No,” she blurted. “Wait. Yes. I do. Too much. It’s just…I didn’t want you to think I’m some weirdo who’s falling in love with you after a few weeks of knowing you.” Dammit, she’s perfect.
I reached out to tug one of her curls, feeling her soft cheek against my knuckles as I teased her. “Bleh. Love is the worst. Let’s not fall in love, Lizzie.”
“Well, I can’t promise that…but I want to tell you that I’m not nuts. And!”
“Yes?” I let go of her curl and stepped forward, closing the space between us before cupping her face in my palms. She looked up at me while I kissed her forehead, her speech stopped. I cocked my head, observing her pink cheeks with a grin I couldn’t resist.
Lizzie swatted at my chest, her voice lower than usual as she spoke. “I know you’re going to be important to me, just like Sean is to Avery and like Jesse is to Ella. I felt it right away.”
Blood rushed through my body, a searing flow that left me feeling invigorated, like the heart throbbing out of my sleeve found its home after all it had seen. After all it lost, it found a place to be for however long she wanted me around, in her life, as more than her friend.
I pulled Lizzie’s hands from the curve of her hips and lifted her knuckles to my lips, softly kissing them while she stared at me. “Lizzie,” I paused, holding her hands to my mouth, “we have to trust the timing of life.”
“You sound like Avery,” she playfully mocked. “Everything happens for a reason.”
“Smart woman.” I considered a moment. “And she chose you as a best friend, so I already like her. Lizzie, can you try something with me right now?” She nodded, pulling her hands back to her body, and we began walking. This time, I held my arm around her shoulders and she clung to my waist.
“Just breathe, babe.”
It was almost seven by the time we entered the art museum, following the crowd of people gathering around the entrance. The lobby swelled with adults of all ages, some carrying flutes of champagne, others deep in conversation as they flowed throughout the galleries.
Lizzie’s fingers slipped through mine as she reached to throw her arms around the guy who approached us. I stuffed my hands into my pockets, waiting while they exchanged greetings, Lizzie’s palm spending a little too long for my comfort level on his chest. I reminded myself to chill, considering she wasn’t mine…yet.
“Thank you for coming,” he told her, beaming. “I owe you.”
She turned to me, her cheeks pink, and nodded for me to take three steps toward them. “Noah, this is my boss.”
“Declan.” He extended a hand to me, and I was momentarily blinded by the silver watch slipping from his cuff.
“Noah,” I responded, shaking his hand. He had a stiff shake, strong, powerful, and not obnoxious. I figured he was a good guy, considering Lizzie was back at my side, arms winding around me, while Declan and I were introduced. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s about time.” Declan laughed, smiling at us. “Lizzie doesn’t shut up about her paramedic boyfriend.” I felt Lizzie still against me, and I smiled to myself, squeezing her fingers while Declan continued. “It’s great to put a face with the stories. I’m really glad you came, Noah. It’s open bar, so help yourselves.”
“This is why I love you,” Lizzie teased him, tightening her hold around my waist. I ignored their exchange while I glanced around the room, paying attention only to how tightly Lizzie’s arms pressed around me. The pressure asphyxiated all other senses, only letting me focus on her. Her boyfriend. She and I definitely had some things to discuss…and I couldn’t wait.
Lizzie’s grasp dropped before she took my hand from my pocket and guided us toward the bar, ordering two glasses of champagne from the bartender.
“Do you think he’s cute?” she questioned, receiving my skeptical expression in response. “Tell me,” she cackled, reaching for the champagne glasses, “do you think Declan’s cute? I mean, I guess he’s handsome, but I’m trying to understand it because we have these interns who seriously follow him around with their tongues dragging on the floor. Did I tell you he and Avery dated?” Her eyes widened, quickly blinking as if to shake away a thought. “That was simultaneously awesome and awkward.”