Page 28 of Noah
“That would be a Lizzie tactic, wouldn’t it?” Jesse snickered. “I’m just wondering. She’s fierce. Listen, man,” his smile fell with a pat to my shoulder and Jesse’s furrowed brows, “you’re going to get sick of us thanking you for what you did that day for all of us, but we can’t stop. You know how they always said growing up that you can’t choose your family?”
“Yeah,” I laughed, “I’ve heard that too often.” I need to call my mom. I need to tell her more about Lizzie.
“Well, we did. The five of us. So…” Jesse turned from me to reach into his trunk, lifting a laundry basket full of crumpled towels used to wrap something, before nudging me with his shoulder. He didn’t finish his thought, only nodding toward the door in suggestion that I join him. I hesitantly followed, wondering what Jesse’s lesson for me was.
The door flew open before we reached the doormat, but nobody was standing in the doorway. Jesse shook his head, chuckling softly as we entered the darkened foyer. I hate surprises. He placed his laundry basket on the floor just inside Lizzie’s living room, clearing his throat once he stood up. I hoped he would finish his sentence, but he instead reached for the switch on one of Lizzie’s lamps. She stood in the middle of the room, embraced by Sean, holding a small wrapped package. Both smiled at me, Avery and Ella struggling adorably to open a champagne bottle. It finally popped, the cork shooting across the room and stopping before my feet. She is going to be in serious trouble for this.
“Welcome to the family, Noah.” Jesse finally concluded his thought, slipping off his shoes and tossing them behind us. I couldn’t hear them land because the room erupted with shouting and laughter, the sweetest sound I didn’t realize I wanted. I needed it. And just like that, she’s forgiven…and I’m home.
“Shit.” Ella giggled, trying to capture the erupting champagne in her palms while Avery’s head tipped back in laughter. Jesse rescued them, leaving Lizzie and Sean standing in front of me. When Sean looked at me, I understood why Lizzie might have thought he was okay to glance at. He didn’t save lives or have a mermaid and roses painted on his skin or anything. But he was a survivor, a fighter.
“Noah,” he said, rubbing Lizzie’s head with his knuckles while she giggled. “You saved two of my girls, and I haven’t been able to thank you.”
“Take this,” Lizzie bellowed, shoving the small box into my chest so her hands were free to wrestle Sean from tormenting her. They struggled like siblings, caught in the balance of love and war. She came up for air, lunging toward me with a bright grin. I opened my arms without further thought, ready to engulf Lizzie as she pressed against me and caught her breath. Her body felt right in my grasp. I couldn’t let go, even as Sean leaned forward to hug me.
“Lizard,” he groaned playfully, tousling her curls as she sandwiched between us during the quick embrace. “So, Noah, Jesse and I thought about writing up a huge thesis on how to best survive being with this one.”
“But,” Avery chimed in, returning from the kitchen, hands on her hips, “their computer froze from too many words.”
“And to think,” Lizzie teased, “I loved you two and have been there for you through everything.”
“You also set her up with another guy,” Sean grunted, crossing his arms with an eyebrow raised suspiciously over his green eyes. “When you knew I was in love with her. Really trying to get us together there, Lizzie.”
“Who?” I questioned, watching the three of them with humor. I didn’t know what to do with the box in my hands while I stood there. Ella and Jesse returned from cleaning the disastrous champagne eruption, this time carrying five flutes of bubbles and one glass of water.
Avery’s eyes widened as she shook her head, scolding Lizzie. “You knew he was in love with me then?”
“Does this even matter?” Jesse groaned from the doorway. “Ave, tell me you’re not expanding because of French fries and that you recall everything from the last year?” I felt my mouth hang, knowing rule number one of being friends with a pregnant woman was to not use the word “expanding” to describe her or mention her size…ever.
Sean covered his mouth, eyes wide and peering at Avery. He took a glass from Ella, chugging its contents to excuse himself from the banter. Lizzie tightened her hold around me, and I felt her laughter rumble into my chest.
“Ex-expanding?” Avery shrieked, turning to stride toward Jesse. He stood from leaning against the doorframe, straightening his shoulders as if preparing for battle. We couldn’t see Avery’s face, but I assumed from the expression on Jesse’s that he just saw his life flash before his eyes. I thanked Ella for my champagne flute but didn’t know if I was going to be able to drink it with the pregnant friend threatening another friend’s life. Lizzie squeezed me, rolling her head up to look at me with her lips tucked between her teeth. We were all trying not to get involved, and it was hilarious.
“Oh, shit,” Sean grumbled with laughter behind his fingers. “Look what you did.” He snickered, nudging Lizzie with his elbow.
“She’s not expanding,” Ella defended, leaping between Avery and Jesse with her arms extended as though Avery was a wild animal she wished to tame. “She’s gorgeous.”
“She is,” Sean and I spoke in unison. “You should put that somewhere safe,” he stated, pointing to the box I held, “before it breaks.”
“I can’t believe we’re even having this silly argument,” Lizzie mumbled, releasing me and crossing the living room. “You’re all with who you wanted to be with, everyone’s alive, everyone’s healthy and here, so let’s move on. Ave, move yourself and your little koalas out of my way. I have a pie in the oven.”
“I love pie,” Jesse chimed. “I bet Bean does, too.”
Avery shoved a finger into Jesse’s chest. “I will end you.”
He squeezed her finger and lifted his hands to cup her cheeks, leaning forward and kissing her hair. “I know.” Jesse chuckled to himself as he followed Avery and Lizzie into the kitchen, leaving Ella and me with Sean. I felt like strangers to those two, even though I’d met Ella at the hospital and the art museum. Without Lizzie, I wasn’t sure what to do…
“Open it, open it,” Ella squealed in a whisper, swallowing her champagne. “Oh, crap. We didn’t make a toast. Sean?”
“We have all night, Ella,” he reminded her, clinking his empty glass with hers. “Also…we are at Lizzie’s.”
“She does like to drink.” I chuckled. “I think dinner is almost ready, if you wanted to sit down…” I followed Ella and Sean into Lizzie’s dining room, watching as they took what seemed like their normal seats. I sat across from Ella, worried sitting across from Sean would seem too much like an interview. He nodded to Ella when chatter from the kitchen picked up, glancing between her and the small box in my hands.
“You don’t need to wait for the others,” he told me. “That’s just something from Ave and me.”
“Lizzie told me you have a dog,” Ella interrupted. “Is he here? I love dogs. Jesse won’t let us get one because, well, neither of us want to take walks at two in the morning.”
“He’s pretty old.” I smiled. “He doesn’t wake up until we do.”