Page 15 of Dare To Free Us
He drew back a little and thrust forward. I cried out. The burning-stretch flashed bright for a moment but dissipated the moment he drew back again. Then Matteo moved into a steady slow pace that turned the burn into a hum that was building until nothing else existed but the pleasure it promised.
Matteo panted into my neck, his shoulders bunched in what I assumed was his body resisting the urge to lose control. “Matteo, don’t hold back.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he ground out.
“You won’t. I trust you.”
An animalistic groan sounded in my ear and Matteo hammered into me. Blinding pleasure shot up my spine, down my legs and set my core off like fireworks. I cried out again but there was no pain mingled in it. Matteo thrust into me with hard flexes of his hips that rocked my entire form. I still got the impression he was holding back.
Without warning the hum inside exploded into an inferno that flushed though my entire body and had me crying out in pleasure. “Matteo!”
It wouldn’t stop, it seemed to grow and change, taking all my breath. Matteo thrusted into me a few more times, then buried himself deep and held. He groaned into my neck as he pulsed and swelled inside me, his shoulders shuddering under my hands.
We laid still, trying to catch our breath. Somehow all the bones in my body had melted while a calm so consuming had my eyelids feeling heavy.
Matteo moved to lift himself off and I hissed as he pulled free of my body. Then I felt the small gush follow his retreat. I sprang to a sitting position to take in the mess between my legs and on what used to be a very nice suit jacket— not to mention what was on him.
“Oh, my God,” I gasped. For what I’m sure was barley anything, to me in that moment looked like someone had been murdered. I couldn’t explain it but embarrassment flamed across my cheeks.
A strong hand gripped my jaw and lifted my gaze. Matteo looked into my eyes with all seriousness. “It’s ok, Arianna. If it bothers you, don’t look. I’ll clean it up.”
“Have you done this before?” Why I decided that was a good thing to ask was beyond me. I guess I was just so taken aback by his comfort level with it all.
“Taken someone’s virginity? No.”
“You just seem so ok with this.”
“Arianna, I dreamed about taking your virginity more times than I can count. I could hardly have sex with another woman without imagining it was you. The only way I could come was to close my eyes and picture your face.”
My mouth hung open in shock. What do you even say to something like that? His smile at my reaction was a thing of beauty.
“Now, come,” he beckoned gently, “lets get in the shower.” He reached for me and I let him pull me into his arms while keeping the jacket under me. Once in the bathroom he threw the soiled material in the trash, along with the condom and took me into the large glass shower. Within seconds he had the water running hot.
I reached for the washcloth so I could clean myself up but he caught my hand. “Let me?” Matteo asked gently.
I smiled at his desire to take care of me and nodded in approval .
Matteo turned me so my back was to his front. After a moment a soapy washcloth was moving against my stomach and downward.
As it brushed across the sensitive flesh between my legs I hissed. “Shhh,” Matteo cooed in my ear. For some reason the hot water felt scolding. Matteo held me around the stomach with his other arm while kissing my shoulder.
After we both cleaned up and toweled off Matteo led me back to the bed. He pulled the sheets back and we crawled inside. Then he pulled me close and kissed me. It was a long savoring kiss that I never wanted to end, while he stroked my hair and held me tight.
After a few minutes I found it hard to keep my eyes open. I couldn’t understand why I was so tired, it was the damn middle of the day. However, Matteo seemed to be fully awake as his erection grew against my leg. “Are you going to make love to me again?”
He smiled. It changed his face from beautiful to mesmerizing. “I want nothing more, but you can barely keep your eyes open. Plus, I don’t want to make you too sore.”
“I don’t understand why I’m so tired.” It felt like I could sleep for days.
“You are coming down from an adrenaline high. Not to mention you came hard, twice. Sleep. I’m not going anywhere.” Matteo snuggled me in tighter.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep with the most beautiful glow radiating in my chest. My heart sighed with contentment. Drifting off to sleep in Matteo’s arms obliterated anything I could have dreamed of.
This time no one was there to tear me away. He said he wouldn’t let me go, and if there was one thing every person in Boston knew about Matteo Russo— he always kept his word. For most it generated fear. For me, it inspired hope.
Later, I woke to a dark room now barely lit by moonlight. I blinked, trying to remember where I was. The memories came back and I smiled at the flashes of mine and Matteo’s naked bodies pressed together. Not to mention the sensitivity between my thighs.
But where was he? I could no longer feel the heat of him next to me. Fear sent a shock wave up my spine.