Page 20 of Dare To Free Us
“What?” This time it was my dad shouting. “Lorenzo that was not the agreement!”
“Do not raise your voice at me, Alessio!” Lorenzo roared.
I cringed and hugged myself. This was getting crazy. Lorenzo looked ready to kill. My breathing started to catch in my throat. This was not good. Whatever Matteo had planned was going to fail, and Lorenzo was going to go crazy.
Strong hands gently gripped by biceps. “Easy,” Luca spoke in my ear from behind. “Matteo is not leaving without you and he won’t let anything happen to your father.” I nodded, simply to acknowledge that I heard him, but it was a promise Luca had no right to make, because we all knew who was still in charge of every breath we took.
Lorenzo spun in my direction looking over my shoulder. “And you!” He yelled at Luca standing behind me, who stiffened against my back. “You should have known better! You’re lucky I don’t kill you right now!”
I flinched at the fact that Lorenzo was not exaggerating. Luca only dropped my arms and stepped out from behind me so I wasn’t in the middle, then put distance between us to ensure I wouldn’t be in the line of fire.
“I’ll take whatever punishment you feel necessary,” Luca answered calmly, with that cold expression that I wish slipped away more often.
Tears stung my eyes at the show of loyalty Luca had for Matteo, he’d known the risk and I knew enough about their brotherly bond to not doubt that Luca had gone along willingly. He’d risked his life or at the very least horrible repercussions for being involved.
“Father!” Matteo yelled to get his attention. “I ordered Luca to accompany me.” Luca stepped forward as if to argue but a scowl directed his way from Matteo stopped him. I wasn’t sure if Lorenzo bought it— probably not— but Matteo continued before anyone else could speak.
Matteo looked between my father and Lorenzo. “Once Arianna is bound to me and my name, she and your family will be more protected than before. As for our business together, the blood our children share will forever bind us and ensure it can’t be broken. The children will combine two separate entities into one.” Matteo looked at Lorenzo. “This will not be the last time this happens father. Mere oaths are not enough, we have to combine as a symbol for all to see. It’s good business.”
I flinched at the words. I knew Matteo didn’t mean them but business was all Lorenzo cared about.
Lorenzo scrubbed a hand over his stubbled jaw, the wheels in his head turning. My heart raced as we all waited.
“Lorenzo, you gave me your word,” my father countered.
“No, I made a rule. One I can change as I see fit.” My heart leapt at the inclination that he was considering it.
My father’s shoulders slumped in defeat.
“She is not mafia royalty son. Your marriage to another family would be more fitting.” Lorenzo’s words dumped ice water on my head.
“No, I want her.” The pure possessive nature to Matteo’s voice had me smiling as heat swirled between my thighs and my eyes burned.
Lorenzo turned to me and studied me close enough I felt him trying to root down to my very soul. Lorenzo raised a brow. “Good business you say son?” I knew by the way he was watching me that he was onto us, but he still couldn’t deny the arguments Matteo had made, which is maybe why he didn’t press for Matteo to answer the question.
“What if she doesn’t want him?” My father threw a hand in my direction. “What about her choice?”
“Oh, I don’t think that is an issue, Alessio.” Lorenzo said, not breaking eye contact with me. “Is it sweetheart? From the way you are looking at my son I can already tell he’s been inside that tight pussy of yours.” My cheeks heated, spreading all the way to my breasts. Lorenzo chuckled. “From that color on your cheeks I would even venture a guess he popped your cherry as well. Tell me, did you wait for him?”
“Enough, father,” Matteo growled. Lorenzo was playing a game, he couldn’t deny the match but he was at least going to get a sick satisfaction out of making the situation uncomfortable for us all.
My face burned so hot I though it would catch fire. I didn’t even look at my father.
“Arianna is that true? Did he touch you while you were forbidden?” My father was working hard to keep his voice calm. He looked angry and hurt, as well as uncomfortable with Lorenzo’s invasive questions. Guilt tried to weigh on me.
I looked to Matteo, he nodded with confidence, giving me the go-ahead.
“Yes, Father. After he found Shura talking to me in the restaurant, he took me home with him.” There was no need to share the answers to the other questions Lorenzo had thrown out. Then I made my way to Matteo, curling into his side as he held an arm out for me. “I want to be with him. And I’m sorry, but no matter whatyousay it won’t change my mind.” Matteo tightened his hold on me.
I looked up into his deep brown eyes with happiness swelling in my heart. My gaze fell on his mouth and had to fight the urge to stretch up and steal a kiss. Matteo’s hand tightened on my hip, warning me that was going to have to wait, but the heat in his eyes told me he’d been wanting to do the same.
“Arianna,” my father breathed. “I just want what’s best for you. You will understand when you have children of your own.”
“I understand now,” I whispered, turning back to him.
My father shook his head with a little smirk. “No, you don’t. But if this is what makes you happy I won’t stand in your way any longer.” He stretched his hand out to Matteo who shook it firmly. A shuddering breath left my lugs.
Lorenzo stepped forward to talk with my father. I pulled Matteo a few steps away. “I went crazy waiting for you.”