Page 40 of Dare To Free Us
Her throat bobbed in a hard swallow. “And the gift he sent you?”
I stayed silent because I really did not want to tell her.
“He cut Jasper up into pieces and delivered him to the back of Red in a crate.” My stomach churned at the memory of his dismembered body. I’d seen and done some pretty fucked up shit when I let my inner darkness take over. Like the night Luca and I carved up a group of men who had tried to kidnap Arianna and Becka. We also cut their heads off after they were dead, but knowing that Jasper was most likely cut into ten pieces while still alive was enough to make me shudder.
Arianna slowly blew out a breath. We sat there in silence for a long time.
“Matteo, I…”
A soft knock sounded on the door, then gently began to open. My mother’s face appeared and brightened when she spotted Arianna awake. She made her way into the room with a large bag, still looking perfect in her designer dress after a twenty-hour day.
“There she is,” Maria greeted, while making her way to the bed. “I came as soon as I heard, but Matteo sent me home to get some fresh clothes for you.”
“Thank you, Maria.” Arianna reached for her hand when tears formed in my mothers eyes. She’d been terrified for Arianna and the baby.
“I’ll get your clothes so you can change while we are waiting to be discharged.” My mother turned away and I leaned in to kiss Arianna on the cheek.
“We will talk more later, ” I said softly. Arianna nodded in agreement.
“Did you call my parents?” Her face pinched at the idea.
“Yes, I told them about the crash and that you and the baby are ok. I updated your father on some of the situation, but didn’t confirm the crash was an attack. They wanted me to call when you woke up.”
“Ok. Can you do that now?”
“Sure.” Picking up the phone I rang her father. It was already late in Boston so it would be approaching early morning in Italy.
“Matteo,” Alessio said in a hurry. “Is Arianna awake?”
“Yes. She’s doing good.”
“I want to talk to her.”
I held out the phone, Arianna took it and held it to her ear as my mother laid comfy clothes options on the bed. “Hey dad,” she said. “Yes, I’m ok.” Her lips pinched together as tears stung her eyes. Taking her hand I gave it a squeeze.
They talked for a few minutes, her father and mother badgering her with questions that she answered twice. Then Arianna said, “No I don’t need you to come home. Maria is staying with us right now. Just stay in Italy and enjoy, really I’m fine. Everything will be fine.”
After saying goodbye she hung up, melting into the bed. “I think they know something else is going on.”
“Your father is smart, I’m sure he can figure it out.”
“I think it’s better they are away. I don’t want them around any of this.” Arianna loved her parents very much, and rather than have their comforting presence she preferred them to stay away. “I want to go home.”
I leaned down to press another kiss to her forehead. “Ok, Beautiful.”
* * *
After waitinga half hour for discharge papers and a twenty minute drive we finally made it home. It was very late or at that point early, and exhaustion had my bones aching. I slid out of the SUV wanting to fall face first into bed, but I shoved the yearning aside.
For as tired and run down I was, Arianna looked ten times worse. The day’s emotional toll and physical beating was enough to take a strong man like me to the edge. Arianna looked miserable with sleepiness weighing down her beautiful features and grimaces of pain that came with every slight movement. But behind her eyes she looked even more weary. Something was on her mind. She’d become very quiet after our talk in the hospital, more than just taking time to process.
I knew my wife. Whatever Arianna was thinking about was dragging her down. There was no mistaking that far-off look she always got when she couldn’t come to terms with her thoughts.
Most men would be in a rush to ask and dig for information— or not give a shit— but again, I knew Arianna, when she was ready to talk, she would. She’d come to me with all her worry and unload the weight. If I pressed, Arianna would take longer. I respected her space the way she respected mine when I kept secrets for her safety. It worked for us.
Arianna was sliding out of the passengerside of the vehicle as I came around to help her. The sweatpants and hoodie she wore slipped easily against the leather. Steven had been in the passenger seat and was already offering her a steady hand.