Page 99 of Dare To Free Us
Before I could bring myself down on his hard length, already touching my soaked entrance, Matteo sat up and placed the most tender kiss to my belly. I smiled and almost cried at how much that single act made my heart surge.
“Watch your head in there,” he said after the kiss. I smacked his arm and he laughed, laying back so he could look up at me again.
Slowly I sunk down on his needy erection. His hands helped guide me, gripping harder the more of him my body took. My head fell back, loving the feel of him stretching my insides, while my ears enjoyed the sound of his moan.
“It’s so deep,” I exhaled.
“And you love it,” he growled.
“Fuck yes I do.” Then I began to grind on him.
Our love making had changed. Not how often but there was a bit of toning things down. With me being so sensitive and my stomach growing larger, some of the wildness had to be put on hold, but there was no less passion. The wild sex would come back later. Until then we enjoyed the soft pace of love-making that never lost its appeal.
I moaned and breathed hard as an orgasm built all too fast. My core tightened and pulsed searching for the edge of the cliff. Matteo groaned and panted with pleasure beneath me, using the strength in his arms to help move me faster.
Fire raced across my skin, Matteo throbbed inside of me. Everything was coming to life inside until I was cresting the peak of an all consuming release.
“I’m going to…”
“Come, Beautiful,” Matteo breathed, then sat up, ready to flick one of my nipples with his tongue.
A knock sounded on the bedroom door and I froze, my arousal shut down like a bucket of water dousing a campfire. Matteo stilled too, then his head fell back against the pillows in frustration.
“Mommy. Daddy. I’m hungry.” Matteo and I both sighed together.
Maria, usually slept in, but of course, her sixth sense had woken her up early to try and cockblock us. Her efforts had been moments too late and too early all at the same time.
Maria was almost four years old and the light of our lives. When it came to naming her there was no question in our mind what it would be. Matteo cried when she was born and whispered her name to her for the first time. He did it without shame and not a care in the world that we’d been surrounded by the doctor and nurses. I think some of the tears he shed were for his mother. Ones he’d held inside until the tidal wave of emotions crashing into him from meeting our daughter let Matteo tear down one of the walls he held inside.
My center pulsed around Matteo’s hard length begging for us to continue. Matteo groaned, gently pressing himself deeper to chase the ripples.
“Go get a muffin for now sweetheart. Mommy and Daddy will be out in a minute,” I yelled to the door, trying to sound normal.
“Can’t you come out now?” her small, soft voice pleaded through the door.
I looked at Matteo, on the verge of climbing off his lap and going for my panties and robe.
“Don’t even thing about it,” he said, playfulness hinting his tone.
“It’s morning, time to get up,” Maria said, throwing our own words from most mornings in our faces.
“We are up sweetie, we are just finishing talking. Go get a snack, then after breakfast we’ll take you to the beach,” Matteo answered.
“Ok, fine. Hurry up.” The patter of her little feet heading down the hall let us both breathe a sigh of relief.
“Well you heard her,” I said, looking down at Matteo. “Hurry it up.”
Matteo didn’t answer, but instead let a wide smile light up his face, then he thrust up into me hard, pressing his thumb to my bundle of nerves. My head fell back while my hand came up to hold in my cry of pleasure.
Matteo set a fast pace and then it was all I could do to hang on for the ride.
* * *
Once we emergedfrom our room we promptly found Maria sitting at the kitchen counter eating one of the chocolate chip cookies we’d made the day before.
“Cookies are a snack,” she said as both Matteo and I approached with a shake of our heads. Matteo went to her and gently took the cookie out of her hands, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“Not a morning snack, honey,” Matteo gently chided.