Page 13 of Chasing Luna
“Check out?” Gregory intervenes. “Is that all I am to you? A toy you want to play with?” He fakes a shocked expression, playing along with our ruse.
I will end you. I glare back. He smiles at me and reaches forward to pull my black mask up my face.
“Is that why you were acting so weird yesterday? You didn’t want us to meet him?” Nina puts a hand over her mouth. “And, oh my God, you left your wallet intentionally, didn’t you?” she half-yells. “You wanted her to come out so you can have a little bit of fun after her shift.” She giggles.
Rie gasps, too. “It all makes sense! No wonder you didn’t want to leave the parking lot! Now, you waited outside for two hours for some heavy petting?” Rie grins. “That’s some dedication, Gregory.” She slaps him on the back and I shake my head.
For fuck’s sake. “Again, nothing happened,” I emphasize, smoothing out my clothes.
“Sure, whatever you say. But quickies are against store policy so you’re going to have to wait until after her shift,” Nina says and I attempt to slap a hand over her mouth but she’s already hiding behind the kitchen door, towing Rie with her.
I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to control my temper.
“Is it just me,” Gregory puts a hand on the small of my back and starts rubbing circles, “or did you actually try and kiss me back there?”
I look up at his face full of mirth. “Leave. Now.” I slap his hand away from me.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll go. But you…” He trails off, eyes scanning around for anyone who might be lurking around. “You said you’re serious about helping me find my father.” He pauses and scans my face.
I nod. “I am. I want to make things right this time. I may not remember anything that happened during those riots, but that doesn’t matter anymore. Like what you said, I’m just a part of this as anyone else in my clan. But it’s up to me how I continue my life, and I refuse to put that in someone else’s hand. If I let myself be used, if we keep hurting each other, no one wins in the end.” I step closer to him. “I’m not saying I’m a saint, Gregory. And I sure as hell am not saying that this is magically going to make things better for everyone. But it’s a start, right?” I tell him. “I’m willing to bet you’re tired, too, from carrying the anger of your ancestors. I feel the same. It’s not doing anyone good.” I look deeply into his eyes.
“I’m willing to put aside our differences, and take up your offer,” he agrees, pondering my words. “Help me find my father, release him from the curse. I’ll do as you say. I promise, no one will die.” Gregory stares at me imploringly. “Will you help me then?”
“I will,” I reply without hesitation.
“Okay, well. What do we do now?” he asks.
“I need to find your father first. I’m certain he’s at the estate somewhere. But it might take some time to do so. And after your little stunt yesterday, I’m going to be heavily guarded from now on.” I sigh.
“Right.” He puts his hands in his pockets and fishes his phone out. “Here,” he says, handing the device to me. “Put your number in, and give me your phone.” I do as he says. After exchanging numbers, he peeks out of the café cautiously. “You need to stay hidden until I leave. The guy who entered earlier is my lead warrior. He’s probably still looking for me outside so I need to go.” He smiles apologetically. “Sorry about the, uh, whole closet situation again.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Please don’t ever mention that again.” He rolls his eyes at me.
“Don’t get so snarky with me, after all, we’ll be seeing each other a lot from now on,” he teases with a wink. He taps the side of the kitchen door and out pops my two best friends. “I’ll go now, but it was nice to meet the both of you!” he says cheerily, pulling them both for a hug.
He’s masking my scent with theirs. That’s actually kind of smart. I smile at the scene.
He bids me one last goodbye and I wave back. I crouch down to pick up the fallen dishwashing liquids from earlier and fix the arrangement of the bleach bottles on the shelf. After a few minutes, my phone buzzes in my pocket.You can come out now,it reads and I hurry out and start my shift.
A couple of hours after I end my shift, I arrive back at the estate. This time actually parking my car in my designated spot beside my sisters’ sports cars. I hum merrily as I push open the heavy wooden door, only to be greeted by a gun pointed directly at my face.
Chapter Fourteen
“It’s me! It’s Isabela,” I speak, putting my hands up immediately. “It’s just me,” I voice out, extending a finger to push down the barrel of the gun lightly.
“Apologies, Mistress. We thought everyone was here already,” the guard utters with a bow.
“It’s fine, I— ”
“No one really expects you to be here, Isabela,” my grandmother cuts me off. “It’s a surprise that you’re actually here for the family meeting… and you’re on time.” Her icy gaze holds mine steadily, and I feel my hands start to sweat. “Which is the bare minimum anyone expects of you, by the way.” She walks away, indifferent to what I wanted to say and instead leads her guards, sentinels, and some hunters to the drawing room. I follow suit.
“I mean, you kind of had that one coming, girl. But I’m glad you’re here.” Katarina takes my hand and pulls me beside her.
“How can you stand attending these meetings almost every day?” My face scrunches in disgust at the thought of having to see the same old faces, hearing the same updates each and every time. I sit at the back of the room and Katarina situates herself beside me.
“It’s not like we have a choice. Being royalty means rising up to meet the expectations of the people around you.” She lovingly runs a hand through my hair. “And there’s even more pressure when you,” she touches the tip of my nose with her finger and pinches my cheek, “inherit the crown.”