Page 42 of He Who Haunts Me
This side of the house opened up to the large yard they used for sports days, summer games, and pool parties. Currently a few couples occupied the hot tub, but they were so focused on checking each other for cavities they didn’t notice my presence.
Yeah, you aren’t jealous of anyone tonight.
I wiped my hand over the beer. Groaning, my head fell back as I silently begged the stars for direction.
A teasing voice interrupted my pleas. “I was wondering where I’d find you tonight.” I nearly jumped out of my body. I didn’t hear the door close before Mari’s approach. She walked into view on my left and draped her hands on the top rail.
“It’s a requirement to be here, so I was bound to be somewhere,” I casually responded. I wasn’t sure where she was going to steer this. Last we spoke, she hadn't mentioned anything about Ghostface.
“Isn’t a themed costume part of Callum’srequirements?” There was sass in her question. I eyed her as I popped the cap off.
“That part is where I usually take creative liberties.” I put the bottle to my lips as the cool liquid washed across my tongue with a bitter taste. It was also an excuse to stop talking.
“That would explain the Ghostface mask,” she quipped back brazenly. The beer that just entered my mouth made a quick exit as I spewed it over the rail.Smooth, Jai.Grumbling voices reached us as the make-out party got a warm citrusy surprise.
“Excuse me?” I tried to pass off ignorance as I wiped my mouth.
“You’re more obvious than you think, and Bex is out of focus enough to not notice.” She sucked on her straw and the glitter on her shoulders and chest shimmered in the low lighting. She was a fairy of nightmares with this chat. “I love her to death, truly. She’s been so focused on school and deciding between changing things with the Halloween hookup or pursuingyou.” She poked my arm hard. “But you’re the same person,” she gloated, drawing her hand through the air to emphasize her accusation.
“I don’t really kno—”
“I heard you,” she pushed with confidence. My face burned red as it fell in mortification. “Oh, no!” She waved her free hand frantically. “Not in bed, no.”
I became hysterical. I gripped the rail as I folded over and laughed until tears threatened to spill. Mari’s high cackle disrupted the night’s silence with me.
“God, that was embarrassing. What I meant was, I heard you talking to her last week,” she clarified. I wiped my face to compose and let her continue. “You know you’ve never spoken in front of her? Before this term, I don’t think you’ve actually acknowledged her. You interact with us plenty; we know. We knew who you were immediately, matter-of-fact.”
I objected, but she held up a glittery hand to stop me.
“Quiet flirting in the library is not a real conversation.” Her phone dinged and she shot off a response and looked up at me again. “Do you love her?”
My eyebrows hit my hairline with that. “Love her? Mari, she doesn’t know me. I…It’s not.” I took a breath and pinched my nose. I couldn’t confess my feelings to someone else before Bex heard them. “I care about her, okay? I don’t think we’re in a position to start making life decisions.” She crossed her arms and studied me closely.
“Do you know about Malcolm?” Her question hit a spot deep in me. I shook my head. “He wasn’t great. There’s enough emotional trauma from him and before, and you two can inevitably have that conversation, but she’s been through it. She can’t be hurt again.”
“The last thing I want is for Bex to be hurt, by me or anyone else,” I confessed. Her head tipped and glitter fell out of her curls. “You look great, but that shit is never coming out of your hair or off your body.” My conversation shift had her laughing. Her phone went off again.
“She’d be safer here with you,” she said as she held the bright screen up to my face.
Bex-Bby: You think Ghost is upset? I cant exactly tell him ahead of time I wont b there
Me: Probably not but i hvnt seen him yet. Want me to come back?
Bex-Bby: No have fun. Im just not comfy here after Bishop’s call. Goin back to campus. Call when you leave?
Ten minutes ago, she wanted to be here withme. I made up my mind. Bex needed a safe night out, and I needed Bex.
“You don’t think scary Ghostface is the killer?” I mused when she pulled the phone away and slipped it back into whatever piece of fabric held it.
“Not this one,” she approved. I debated giving her a hug before leaving, but that glitter was fuckingeverywhere. A crash through the patio door interrupted my attempt to speak.
We looked at the mess and averydrunk Daniel was standing there, adjusting himself over his sheets.
Christ, Daniel.
“What the hell happened to you?!” Mari exclaimed when she got a better view of his neck. It was bruised in a light pattern that matched my hand. Daniel’s drunk gaze tried to fixate on me.
“I might have packaged him for Jesus and canceled the delivery because he was a pig,” I whispered as I patted her shoulder, trying to avoid glitter. “I have a Bex to kidnap. See you, Mariana.”