Page 48 of He Who Haunts Me
“Well, in grade school, we did this whole thing about Mother’s Day flowers. The white carnations mean pure, I think? Or something like that. If it’s being twisted, the meaning could just be something superficial like that.” When I looked at Bex, her face mirrored Bishop’s. Mouth opened and eyes wide.
“That wouldn’t be far off the mark, actually.” Bishop scribbled more notes. “There’s some horrible actions here and all kinds of inferred meanings, but I’ll have some others help explore this angle.”
“You said there were two women this time. Do you know why?” Bex implored. Bishop nodded, taking his folder out again. He looked down at the papers.
“Yes and no. It’s an escalation and devolvement; that is certain in the behaviors. We can only speculate things, but something is happening in his perception. It’s driving him to do something grander each time.” He put things away in his pockets. “If we look at it as a response to you, then we can work on narrowing down people in proximity.” He stood, pushing the stool back and adjusting his suit.
“Am I safe, detective?” Her fists were back to vise grips.
“Bexley, if this is becoming a fixation on you, then you need to take precaution. Go home.” His eyes cut to mine, but he didn’t need to voice his order.Watch her.
October 27, 2020
I walked around the living room without purpose or direction. I already cleaned every surface and rearranged the furniture.Twice.My third midterm was yesterday, and while I was thankful they decided to give us the option to take it online, that did nothing to ease the upset of the current situation. I submitted that exam, and when I walked outside to meet Mari, there were white carnations on the hood of my car.
I didn’t react the best way, given the delicacy of handling crazed killers. I rushed to the side and swiped them off, trashing them in the rainy puddle by the wheel. If the creep were still watching, I could’ve easily set him off. Detective Bishop’s order played on repeat.
“Bexley, if this is becoming a fixation on you, then you need to take precaution. Go home.”
Go home.
It didn’t matter that I was home; this person knew where I lived. Bishop wouldn’t describe the photos his team found on the poor girl’s body, but he didn’t need to. Photos. Flowers.Stalker. Killer.
I shuddered at yesterday’s events and went to the kitchen for a distraction. The clock showed 10:00 p.m., which was admittedly late for brownies, but there were murders happening. Life was short, this ass was sweet, and all the other great sayings to justify late night brownie cravings.
I was alone now, but I could at least have snacks ready for when Mariana got home. She went out with her sister who was passing through town. She made me pinky swear to check in with her. I practically pushed Mari out of the door before she could insist on seeing Veronica later.
I gathered the mixer, bowls, and ingredients and laid them all out on the counter. I read through the recipe and opened the items, my thoughts slowly turning in the quiet. The masked mystery was going to come to an end soon.Not to mention, things with Jai have rapidly heated.I smiled at that thought.
The hookups happened at the parties Sigma hosted, and the holiday would pass in a few short days, which was enough information to surmise at least a guess. There weren’t that many people in the house. Not many athletes lived in Sigma.I can ask Jai again.
I pulled out my phone, syncing my playlist to the speaker. I played a seductive and energetic rhythm and continued my baking. I thought back to those nights, where the members were themed. The first night they were pirates, and they didn’t miss the opportunity to make it sexy.
I stopped stirring and looked at the cabinets as a drawing board.
The frat operated on themes, but Ghost didn’t comply with them on either night. No one corrected him or made it a problem publicly. I rubbed my forehead as a small ache began. He wasn’t someone that blended in, visually at least.
I mean, damn. He’s nearly as tall as Jaiden.An image of Jai bending under the bedroom door frame Sunday morning played in sync with Ghost accommodating for his height, too. I blinked as the images continued to replace each other.
I dropped the whisk, and it cracked an egg on the countertop. I moved to the sink and wet a paper towel. My eyes landed on the windowsill. New carnations sat there.
Fixation on you. Go home.
I blindly reached for my phone as my eyes were frozen to the delicate white petals almost glowing in the dark.
I glanced down and pressed the contact without much consideration for the prior realization.
The phone picked up on the first ring. “Um,” the gruff voice started to answer, but I barreled over him.
“Jaiden, I need you. I’m at the apartment, and—I, there’s…” I trailed off in thought. “Jaiden, please. The killer.” My eyes were wide as I scanned the stem of the flowers. There was a picture wedged between them, too. It was dark outside, and I couldn’t see the image clearly, but I didn’t need to. “Another photo. It’s me.”
“Bex, I’m on the way. Just a few minutes.” His bike roared in the background. “Lock your door.
“It’s locked,” I whispered.
“I know where Mari moved the extra key.” A loud bang echoed after his words.That key really should be brought back inside.