Page 65 of He Who Haunts Me
“See? Demon,” I accused as she tried to reach for it.
“He’s ticklish,” Bex called out between her fits of laughter. Mari jammed a finger into my ribs before I could drop her purse in her hands.
“Ow, fuck!” I laughed, grabbing my side. “Ticklish, not stab him with your demon baby hands!” She hit my shoulder with her recovered bag.
“I love Bex, and by extension, I tolerate you, Ghost Boy,” she clarified as I corralled them through the door.
We walked down the crowded steps, Mari leading and Bex gripping my hand tight. We moved through the rooms until we reached the kitchen. The bar was topped with punches, open sodas, and open bags of junk food. I moved to the side and popped open the cooler. I pulled out three beers and delivered them to the girls.
“Mari, glad to see you got here!” a voice called from my side. Brent walked up and did a once-over on Bex. “What are you supposed to be?”
“My willing victim,” I answered for her, pointing out the mask in my pocket. Bex’s cheeks warmed, but Brent looked agitated.
“Oh, I forgot to ask,” Bex started as she turned more toward him. “How did your psychology midterm go? You pass?”
“Psychology? I'm not taking psychology this semester. I’m in philosophy with Professor Kadrine.” He took a sip of his drink and spotted someone behind Mari. “Hey, Chris!” He looked between the three of us. “Alright, we can catch up later. I gotta get my stuff from his car. See ya.”
He walked away and Bex remained silent.
“You okay, baby?” I threaded my fingers through her hair and pulled her to me.
“Am I crazy? We studied psychology for half of the month.” She looked to Mari for support. “At his request.”
“I remember. I don’t know, maybe he was just confused?” Mari rubbed her shoulder.
“I’ll say. You know, he’s been so weird lately. He talks about and asks for you but doesn’t respect that in any way. He subtly advances on so many girls when you’re not around.” Bexley crossed her arms, staring in the direction he left.
“What are you talking about?” Mari demanded as she took a large swig of her beer.
“Brent, he likes you and doesn’t even properly show it.” My eyes bounced from Bex to Mari as they volleyed the conversation. It brought back old feelings of being in the library with them before I took that chance.
“No the fuck he doesn’t,” Mari rejected her statement. “He’s had a thing for you since last year.”I could’ve told you that, baby.
“But he blushes around you!”
“Because he told me his secret and was embarrassed,” she forced out between bursts of laughter.He doesn’t deserve her.“I saw how stressed he was making you, and I put you before anyone’s feelings.”
“Did you know?” she implored as she faced me with a pointed finger. I stopped tilting my bottle.
“I, uh, may have made an inference.” Her face bloomed red, and her mouth fell open. I took her hand in mine. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m yours. Everyone else can impolitely fuck off.”
“He’s right. He seemed upset the other day after the library, but he’s back to normal. Moved on. I think he was coming here with Candace,” Mari said before chugging the last of her beer. She wiped the corner of her lip, threw the bottle into the trash, and pushed us from the kitchen. “We’re done feeling down about stupid shit. Dance, make out, fuck, I don’t care, but get happier.”
We got closer to the living room that was packed with bodies. Something sensual was coming through Callum’s speakers. The bass thumped hard and Bex took my hand, leading me between people. When we stopped in an open area, she turned to face me. She was hesitant as she moved her hand down my chest.
I pulled her against my body. It was tortuous not holding her. She swayed in my arms, and when she looked up at me, we were the only two here.
“Can I touch you?” I asked, moving my hands from her hips to just under her breasts. She nodded, and I turned her back against me. I wrapped my hand around her throat in a gentle hold and dipped behind her until she was better seated against me. Her hand moved through my hair. I followed the winding of her hips as I dragged my hand across her stomach. I ruffled her shirt while moving to her breast. Her taut muscles were on display, but my hand covered most of her as I squeezed and rolled her nipple.
I brought her hand that held the beer to my mouth and stole a large sip. I turned her face up to me and propped open her mouth. I spit the citrusy liquid into hers, letting it wash over her tongue and spill down her throat. It got messy and trailed down her chest. When it finished, I slid my tongue across hers.
She rested her head against my shoulder and started panting, and I kissed a path along the column of her throat before I sank my teeth into her flesh. She shuddered and slipped down.
I turned her to face me, picking her up and moving her legs around my waist. A dozen people were glued in place, watching as I didn’t wait for the room to part. Bex played in my hair and kissed my neck as we left. I made it to the entrance where Mari was standing with a look of approval.
“Fuck, if that’s just dancing…” I heard her mutter as I walked into the kitchen. I laughed and Bex sat up to look at me. I walked her to the counter in the corner and set her on the granite.
“I wanted to do more,” I said, kissing her sweetly. “But you would’ve slapped me if I did it out there.” I stole another kiss and she groaned. I squeezed her thighs, delighted in the feel of her beneath my hands. “You still might,” I whispered as I started down her throat.