Page 67 of He Who Haunts Me
*Missed Call 2HR: J.C. Wells - MRU*
It was almost 2:00 a.m. I unlocked the screen and opened the call history for the voicemail. I brought the phone to my ear, but all I could hear was shuffling and distant movement.
It could’ve been an accidental dial, but something urged me to keep pushing it. I clicked the dial back option and it started to ring. I let it cycle until his voicemail.
“It’s Jai. Couldn’t make it to your call. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you soon. Bye.” The message clicked to record.
“Jai, it’s Bishop. Just returning your call. It’s late. Wanted to make sure things were okay. Give me a call back. I’ll be up tonight.” I left the message and turned the device over and over in my hand. It didn’t feel right.
I called again, and it rang through to a voicemail. I called once more, same thing. I ran to the bullpen where a few officers and detectives were hanging out.
“Andy,” I yelled across the room. Her head snapped up and she stood after she took me in.
“Bishop, what’s happened?”
“The kids, Bex and Jai. I can’t get in touch with him. I need you to call Brenda. I need to know where they were at when their phones pinged.” I left without further explanation, and she started dialing downstairs. I sent a message to my officers to go to Bexley’s apartment and the fraternity. I called Bexley’s number.
“Hi! It’s B. I’m busy at the moment. Leave me a message and I’ll call you back! Sorry about that.”Voicemail.I dialed Mariana.
“Mariana, where are you?” I grabbed my notepad and pen.
“Just at the Sigma house. The party’s still going, but I’m going to be wrapping it up and going back to my place.” There was loud music coming from her background.
“Who’s around you?”
“Oh, well, a lot of people. The Sigma leaders are here—”
“No, Mari,” I interrupted, “Bex and Jai, your other friends. Where are they?”
“Jai took B out back for some air and to walk around. He’s not a people person, you know? And well—” She paused and got distant. “I was supposed to be saying bye, but they aren’t back yet.”
“Was anyone with them?”
“No, they went alone. I was going to meet up with Brent to tell him bye, but he’s gone, too.”
“Brent? What’s his last name, Mari?” I grabbed my folder with the list of names we’d been narrowing for days.
“Brent Hale.” My finger glided over the paper as I looked for the name she gave.Brent. Brent. Brent Hale.
“Brent Joseph Hale.” It was hardly a whisper. “BJ. Mari, I need you to answer some questions for me.”
“Um, okay. Is everything okay, detective?”
“I need to know about Brent.”
“Well, I’m not sure where to start…” she trailed off as her thoughts formed. “We grew up near each other, and he was kind of weird for a few years, but it’s like he balanced out when we got older. He’s quiet, but not necessarily shy. At least, not in certain groups.”
“Is he interested in anyone?” I turned the speakerphone on and started gathering all of my documents.
“Well, now that she’s dating Jai, it’s not really an issue,” she said, her voice slicing through the air. “He told me last year he had a crush on Bex.”
“Oh, yeah?” I asked, and my stomach started turning. “Did he ever tell her?”
“Oh, no,” she scoffed. “He’s just awkwardly pursued her in ways that apparently didn’t convey.” She kept talking, but I stopped moving.