Page 33 of A Vow Kept
“Are you ready?” Gabrio asks.
“Is it as bad as I think it’s going to be?” I ask.
He laughs. “Trust me, it is much worse.”
I smile tightly. “Wonderful.”
I step up to the mouth closest to me. “So what do I do?” I look at the wrangler.
“Jump in with two feet. They will handle the rest.”
I’m pushed from the mouth of the nastiest creature I’ll ever encounter in my life, onto dry ground. I’m covered in a thick, sticky coating of what can only be described as serpent digestive juices. The texture is thick and stinks like a thousand dead fish entrails left out on a hot summer day for extra stink.
I’m on all fours, gagging and hacking, trying to clear my mouth. I spit twenty times but can’t get the taste out. It’s in my ears and nose, too.
“Lake?” says Alwar’s deep voice.
“Just one second.” I wipe the dangling spit from my chin. I have never felt less sexy in my life.
“I see you survived.”
“You could’ve warned me.” I hack.
“I tried, but you would not listen. Besides, would you have gone if I’d told you what lie ahead?”
Somewhere close by, I hear the sound of Gabrio vomiting and coughing. I guess he made it too.
“Did Master choose to stay?” Alwar asks.
I glance up at him. “Not that I’m aware of.”
“He has not surfaced.”
I get to my feet, but immediately double over again and retch. “I don’t suppose there’s some water around here to bathe in.”
I stand and see Gabrio wobbling in our direction. He’s also covered in goop.
“Where’s Master?” I ask.
“He said he wanted to stay,” Gabrio answers.
“He didn’t even say goodbye? But I love that dog.”
“He is not a dog,” Alwar says.
“Yes. I know. But…” He’s been by my side for years. “So I’m never going to see him again?”
Gabrio shrugs. “Do not worry. You have more than enough protection. Otherwise, he would not have remained at the temple.”
That’s not the point, but I don’t expect them to understand.
“So did you get what you went for?” Alwar asks.
I got way more.I try not to look at Gabrio even though I’m curious. Does he intend to tell Alwar about the sex? Does he feel guilty?
Honestly, I didn’t think I’d feel a thing, given that I was one hundred percent transparent with Alwar about this being a marriage in name only. But now, standing here with him, I feel a little guilty. I didn’t just sleep with one of this brothers, I kind of slept with two. I still don’t get how that was even possible.