Page 35 of Claiming What's His
Mongrel shrugs. “We would be willing to take you on if you deliver Ford.”
“With a million dollars, I’m not sure I want to worry about another club that will just turn around and stab me in the back.” I respond, laying it on thick.
“That’s why you’re the man we contacted.”
“Spell it out. What exactly do you want me to do?”
“Deliver Ford’s body here.”
“Body?” I ask, playing dumb. “So, you want me to kill the man? The shit that will stir isn’t worth the headache for a million.”
“A million dollars sets you up good enough to get far away from here.”
“Two million would do more.”
“Are you trying to negotiate with me?” Mongrel laughs.
Chopper chooses that moment to step up to his boss. “We should just kill this asshole and go with our first plan. He’s already in place—” Mongrel elbows Chopper in the stomach so hard the man bends over coughing and gagging to the point he’s almost vomiting. His breaths are failing to reach his lungs as his face turns an ugly shade of red.
“Watch your tongue before I cut it out,” Mongrel seethes. He’s too busy berating his guy to notice my flinch. It was barely there but enough. That wasn’t something we accounted for. They’ve got another motherfucker in our club.Jesus Christ, how did this happen?
“Good help is hard to find,” I laugh, still watching Chopper struggle to compose himself. He’s even starting to look a bit green under the gills.
“You have no idea,” Mongrel complains, straightening out his shirt. “I’ll talk with my men and let them know your price.”
“You have forty-eight hours. After that, it goes up to two and a half million,” I tell him, shrugging.
“Damn,” Mongrel says. “I think I’m starting to like you.” The man smiles but it’s more of a sneer. He’s slimy. He’s the type of man where you’d be doing the world a favor if you kill him.
“Get me the money I ask for and maybe I’ll like you, but it’s doubtful.”
“We’ll be in touch.”
“I’ll be at Dingo’s bar on the Virginia state line in the evening. You can find me there.”
Mongrel nods.
We all stand there staring at each other—neither making a move to leave.
“You’ll go first,” I tell them, gesturing for the door.
“No trust between us, huh?” Mongrel says.
“Trust is earned and right now I don’t have my money.”
The men walk out before me. I stay just inside of the doorway in the dark. They walk like they are ready to take a bullet to the back. No way was I going to walk out first. I pull my gun out the minute they disappear from view, walking around the corner. I stand there tensely waiting to hear their bikes.
I watch as they haul ass down the road, then slowly step out, keeping an eye on my surroundings.
I need to get back to my room so I can talk to Ford and fast. It’s getting fucking tiresome learning we have moles in our club.
Icalled Ford the minute I knew I couldn’t be heard. I told him where to meet me. I warned him to watch his back but thinking someone could try to kill him before I talk to him again, churns in my gut, making it hard to focus on the road. I take deep breaths.
I’m having Ford meet me at the McDonalds just across the Kentucky state line. It’s taking me longer to get there than I like, but I’m taking different roads there, making sure I’m not followed. Mongrel thinks he has me in his back pocket, so I think I’m safe, but this is important. I can’t take chances.