Page 8 of Brother’s Best Enemy
“Did you go to town to get this?” I’m surprised, and it’s kind of sweet.
“Emily went.”
Okay, and fuck him then. “I’m not thirsty.”
“I should go.”
“You should eat. I had Emily run to town because I didn’t want to leave you alone.”
“You think I’m going to steal something? I’m a cop.”
“You’re also nosy as shit.”
Damn, why hadn’t I gone through his crap when I had the chance? Clearly there must be something he doesn’t want me to find. I should have checked his nightstand. My stomach twists when I think about what might be in there. It’s probably nothing but condoms. Isn’t that what men keep beside the bed? Jack hasn’t dated any locals, but a lot of people come and go from the resort. I’ve seen plenty of people flirt with him.
“Emily doesn’t know you're here. Only Frostie does,” he adds when I don’t respond. Why does that make me mad too? Oh, now he doesn’t want her to know I’m here. Why?
“I should go,” I say again, and Jack turns off the stove before turning around to face me.
“What just happened?” His face softens.
“What do you mean?” I look anywhere but at him now.
“Your tone changed.”
“My tone didn’t change,” I say defensively because he’s right.
“Jack!” Emily calls a moment before the front door opens.
So I guess she lets herself in?
Emily freezes, and her eyes widen before they bounce between the two of us. “Sorry, I…ah… Yeah, sorry.”
She stumbles over her words before quickly turning to leave. Jack mutters something under his breath that I don’t catch before he grabs a plate and puts the eggs and bacon on it. I stand there awkwardly wondering why he’s not going to say anything about that as he sets the plate down next to me.
“Eat.” Now he’s the one with a tone, and it’s grumpy. The softness he had moments ago is gone.
“I want to go home,” I grit out, hanging on to my anger. Too many other emotions are trying to escape, and I don’t want to think about them.
“Eat and I’ll take you home,” he bargains, and we glare at each other.
I’m the first one to blink, damn it. So I shove a piece of bacon into my mouth followed by some eggs. He butters the toast for me and then puts peach jelly on it. Does he know it’s my favorite? I eat that too before I grab my purse and clothes and go change quickly in his bedroom. I don’t know why but I shove his shirt into my purse and decide that it’s mine now.
“Can we go?” I ask when I exit his room. Which is something I’ll likely never do again.
“Fine.” He pulls his keys out of his pocket, and I follow him to the garage.
I keep my mouth sealed shut when we don’t take his normal Mercedes SUV but the white Land Rover instead. I’m never going to live down throwing up in there.
Great, now I’m going to go from giving Jack a million tickets and annoying him every chance I get to avoiding him at all costs.
Chapter Six
“Fuck,” I grunt as I squeeze the base of my cock and then pull on the long shaft. I’m the thickest I’ve ever been as I think about Tinsel and her fat tits in my bed. “Fuck,” I say again as I pump faster and faster.
I slept beside her all night and watched her toss and turn. Every time I caught a glimpse of her tight nipples, my mouth would water and my cock would leak. Now I’m in my shower jacking off while I think about how badly I wanted to pull those pretty panties to the side and lick between her pussy lips. I bet they’re so pretty and soft, and my cock would slide right between them. What I wouldn’t give to have her on my dick.
She’s always the fantasy when I rub one out, but now I’ve got a highlight reel in technicolor playing constantly in my head. Every curve and every dip is tattooed in my brain, and now I want her more than ever before. I’ve always had to guess what she looked like under that uniform, and now that I know, it makes it impossible to stay away.
The image of her sitting up with her mouth open and her tits on full display makes my knees weak as I splatter the shower wall with cum. I keep pumping and praying that this will take the edge off, but even as the last drops of my release go down the drain, I know that it’s not enough.
Angrily I reach for the nozzle and shut off the water. While I’m toweling off, I think about the last time I saw her. Two days ago, I pulled up outside her house, and she ran out of the car and up to her apartment as fast as she could. She was all too eager to get away from me, and the thought pissed me off.