Page 13 of The Other Belle
The following morning, loud clanging in the kitchen stirs me from my sleep.
I guess Izzie found Father after all…
Rolling off the bed, I wrap a scarf around my face and take a deep breath. I grab a teacup from my window and vow to get through today without letting either of them under my skin.
“One day I won’t live here anymore,” I mutter, pushing the door open.
“Good morning, Belle.” Gabriel smiles at me from across the room, and I drop my cup to the floor, shattering it to pieces.
“Did you sleep well?” he asks, standing to his feet.
He walks over to me before I can utter a word, and it’s more than clear that he’s far too big for this cottage.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask. “You’re trespassing…again.”
“Is that what you think this is?” His lips curve into a slow, sexy smile that temporarily disarms my every thought. I attempt to look away, but the sight of his muscles straining the fabric of his white shirt is even more overwhelming than the sight of his perfect mouth.
“You’re a pretty heavy sleeper,” he says, tilting my chin up with his fingertips. “You didn’t stir in the slightest when I came in, which means any man in the village could simply barge inside and have his way with you. That’s not very safe.”
“The front door was locked, three times over.”
“Was it?”
“Yes.” I swallow. “It was.”
“I didn’t notice.” He stares into my eyes for several moments, as if he’s attempting to find answers within my irises. “Your name is Belle, is it not?”
I swallow, trapping the word “Yes” under my tongue. From the wicked tone of his voice, this doesn’t seem as if it’s a “friendly visit” like before.
Completely caught off guard by seeing him again, I ignore the frantic beating in my chest and search for something else to say.
“The man of this house and I have an arrangement,” he speaks first. “I’m only here to collect my part of the deal and I’ll be on my way. If you can point me in the right direction, I’d appreciate it.”
“I’ll pass.” I shake my head and step back. “I don’t have to tell you anything.”
“It’d be in your best interest if you did.” He steps forward. “Where is he?”
I slide a hand under my nightgown, reaching for my dagger, but it’s not there. I run my hand against the back of my thigh, in case it shifted in the middle of the night, but my fingers grasp nothing but an empty holster.
Gabriel lets out a low laugh, pulling it from his pocket. “Looking for this?”
“You touched me while I was sleeping?”
“As much as you’d probably enjoy that, no,” he says. “You talk in your sleep, which is also not safe. You mentioned the dagger, and when I asked you to hand over your weapons, you kindly complied. I have your knives and your hammer, too.”
“You’re far more psychotic than I thought you were before.”
“What else have you been thinking about me?”
“Nothing.” I roll my eyes. “The man you’re looking for isn’t here, and I don’t know anything else.”
“Okay, then.” He doesn’t look the slightest bit convinced. “Then let’s talk about you. What kingdom did you come from?”
I don’t answer.
A blue-suited henchman suddenly walks through the front door, humming to himself.
“Okay, Gabriel! When do you plan to admit that this other woman was a hallucination and…” The rest of the sentence stalls on his lips.
He blinks a few times once he notices me, muttering, “Impossible…”
“What kingdom?” Gabriel’s attention is still on me, but I withhold my words.
I’m anticipating when he steps back so I can lunge for an empty wine bottle and crack it over his head.
“Have it your way, Belle.” My name sounds foreign, yet perfect on his lips. “But just so you know, there will be consequences if you don’t answer my next question.”
“I’m not afraid of you, Gabriel.”
“You should be.” He smirks. “I’d hate to show you my other side so soon, since we’re getting along well, but I can, if that’s what it takes.”
My palms sweat at the thought of the rumors I’ve heard about his ruthless business dealings. How no one in this town would ever dare to disrespect or cross him for fear of disappearing. How certain villagers call him “a vicious beast” behind closed doors.
“How long have you been living here?” he asks.
“Do you work for other families or is it just the Arwyns?”
Silence, again.
“I’m not a fan of repeating my questions, Belle.”
“I’m not a fan of hearing them, so we’ll both win if you stop.”
His henchman snorts, and Gabriel shoots a death stare in his direction.
“Sorry, Boss…”
“I’ve asked around the village about you and gotten nothing,” he says to me. “Don’t you find that quite strange?”
“It’s as strange as you repeatedly trespassing.” I try to look away from him, but I can’t. He’s far too captivating.