Page 4 of The Little CEO
“I get it. Let me start by saying that I don’t pretend to understand everything, seeing as how I only know the basics about you, but I can guess that taking me up on my offer wasn’t an easy step for you, so thank you for taking that risk. I’m honored.”
“As you’re the owner of Paradise, I figured I could trust you.”
“Thank you. I value that trust.”
Phex made a frustrated noise. “But I still don’t know how to do this.”
Devlin put his hands on Phex’s shoulders, hoping that it would help steady him and calm him down. “Tell me your boundaries. Where’s the line I can’t cross?”
Devlin had thought long and hard about how to approach this playdate, as he had referred to it when texting with Phex. He’d done some more research into Phex, and from everything he’d found about him, a picture emerged of a rational, no-nonsense guy, a straight shooter who based decisions on facts. So Devlin had decided he’d tackle it the same way: no beating around the bush and a focus on clarity in expectations and rules.
Phex’s eyes widened for a moment. “Erm…I don’t want to talk about my job or work. Even when I’m in little mode, I’m not an idiot, so don’t patronize me. Oh, and I’m allergic to nuts, so no nuts whatsoever in my house, not even traces.”
Devlin nodded. “Gotcha. What about anything physical?”
“You said no sex.” Phex sounded almost accusatory, and Devlin had to remind himself the boy had gotten hurt. Hisreaction said nothing about Devlin but spoke volumes about previous Daddies he’d played with.
“I wasn’t talking about sex, Phex. I meant touching you as in cuddling, feeding you, holding your hand, maybe rocking you to sleep. Intimacy, taking care of you, not sex.”
“Oh.” Phex’s cheeks grew red, which looked adorable on him. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. This is new, so we’ll have to keep our lines of communication open.”
“I’m good with touch. I like being touched.”
Wasn’t that handy information to have? Devlin was glad he’d asked, and he gently squeezed Phex’s shoulders he was still holding. “Good. Safeword?”
Devlin grinned. “I assume that’s food you dislike?”
“With the fire of a thousand suns. Can’t stand the taste, and I’ll puke if you make me eat it.”
Ah, the first sign of an opinionated little. Devlin loved it. “No worries. I don’t like it either. One more thing. What do you like to be called? Do you have a different name you use when you’re in little mode?”
Devlin wasn’t even sure why he asked. Maybe because something told him that Phex needed to keep his professional persona separate from his little boy.
“No one ever asked me.” Phex’s voice balanced right on that edge between adult and kid, and so did his posture. Devlin had rarely seen someone who so badly wanted to sink into his little headspace…and was so scared to do so, afraid he’d get hurt again, rejected.
“Well, I’m asking now, so you’d better answer me.”
He put just a little touch of his Daddy Dom dominance in his tone, and Phex responded immediately. How could that boy ever have been made to feel he wasn’t a little?
“I’m Mikey.” His voice had risen.
“Ah, good boy, Mikey. I’m Daddy D, but you can just call me Daddy. Wanna show me where we can find some different clothes for you? You can’t really play in those pants, can you?”
Devlin let go of his shoulders and held his breath. Would Phex accept him? Would little Mikey?
Then the most perfect little giggle rose. “No! I need play clothes.”
“Yes, you do. Can you show me where they are?” Devlin held out his hand, and after the briefest of hesitation, Mikey took it.
“They’re in my bedroom, right next to the playroom.”
He wasn’t tacking on theDaddyyet, but Devlin would allow him some leeway. If he played his cards right, he had no doubt he could get him there. “Perfect. Let’s go.”
Hand in hand, they walked up the wide staircase that twisted upward, leading to a broad hallway on the second floor with endless doors on either side. But Mikey knew the way, and he all but pulled Devlin along.