Page 33 of Slow and Steady
“I am totally ready to be an adult,” he insisted as they rode the Blue Line to the O’Hare stop the following morning.
“I know, Dec.”
“And I have looked for a job. I just wasn’t sure if you’d think I was moving too fast if I took a job here in Chicago, but I should have found a car by now, at least,” Declan scolded himself.
“Hey.” Atlas caught Declan’s chin and waited until their eyes had locked to give him a pointed look. “I’m a city kid, too. I get why you’d be used to living without a car. I only have one because I was issued one with my badge,” he added under his breath, making Declan smile.
“They’re such a pain in the ass to keep and to park,” he said before his eyes darted to the right and tightened. Atlas was impressed with how calm Declan was as they navigated the busy morning sidewalks and made their way to the train. He seemed to embrace his anonymity and was at home with the impatient hustle around them.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Atlas agreed, then nodded as the train came to a stop at Irving Park. “I’m glad I could get you to actually look at one before you signed something, though,” he teased.
Declan pulled a face as the doors opened and they got out. “I don’t get why people care so much about cars. Sage’s car works fine and it’s got great ratings. What else do I need to know?”
“What if they’ve changed something on the new model and it bugs you?” Atlas attempted then gestured at a set of stairs further along the platform. “That’ll come out closer to the dealership,” he said as they bypassed the crowd that had come off the train with them and crowded onto the first set of steps.
Atlas didn’t need to watch where he was going, he could probably find his way around the city blindfolded. He let himself become distracted with Declan, watching his reactions and observing how an introvert coped with the bustling city around them. So distracted that Atlas didn’t notice that someone was following them until Declan gave him a hard tug and started moving faster.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, then reared back when he was grabbed by the back of the shirt. Atlas spun to confront the person, but Declan yanked him to the right when a young white kid in a Bears jersey pulled a gun from his waistband.
“Atlas, no!” Declan whispered when Atlas tensed to dive at the younger man holding the gun, but Declan hung on tight to his sleeve.
Atlas sneered at the kid. “I hope that’s a toy, because you’re playing stupid games,” Atlas warned.
“Nah. I could tell by the drip, you both got money. Gimme your wallets.”
Declan had his out immediately and tossed it at him. The kid caught it with one hand, then waved the pistol impatiently at Atlas.
“Come on, Player. Hand it over.”
Atlas gave his head a tight shake. “Wallet’s got my badge in it. You can try to take it from me,” he suggested, hoping that would be enough to scare him off. Atlas was prepared to go for the gun as soon as the kid took his eyes off of him.
Instead of backing down, the younger man’s lip curled. “You’re a fucking cop?” He snarled as he stepped up to Atlas. “Since when do cops wear Air Force 1s? And that bitch is wearing Gucci,” he said, pointing at Declan.
“This? I borrowed it,” Declan murmured at his cardigan.
“Shut the fuck up!” The kid barked at Declan dismissively, then turned to jab the gun at Atlas. Suddenly, Declan’s fist slammed into the kid’s jaw, nearly knocking him into the wall. Stunned but ready, Atlas jumped, grabbing the kid’s wrist and hand as they crashed against a CTA poster. It was probably the punch, but Atlas was able to get the gun and had his opponent pinned a moment later.
Atlas was able to hold him until the police arrived. They gave their statements and Declan seemed remarkably calm and steady as he answered the officer’s questions. He seemed to have shaken the attempted mugging off by the time they arrived at the Subaru dealer.
“Yup. It looks like a car. I’ll take it,” Declan said, then signed the paperwork without haggling over the financing. He paid with his debit card, to the salesman’s horror and they walked out ten minutes later. The model Declan had purchased had to be brought around and fueled so the dealer offered to deliver it the following morning. Atlas didn’t want to deal with any more people or wait for trains so he flagged down a taxi as they were leaving.
“Are you sure you’re OK? You’ve been pretty nonchalant about what happened earlier,” Atlas said warily, but Declan snorted.
“That? It’s been forever since I was mugged!” Declan said, sounding almost excited. He was watching over the driver’s shoulder as the car pulled into traffic. “I didn’t realize how much I missed the city.”
“Seriously?” Atlas asked. “You ran away every time you thought I was going to ask you out, but a mugging doesn’t faze you.”
“Are you kidding? Everyone gets mugged.” Declan’s head whipped around and his eyes glittered with delight. “This actually feels like home now. But without all the awful family baggage,” he added with a playful wink.
“Fuck!” Atlas gasped under his breath, reaching for Declan. “I love you so much, but I’m still afraid I’ll scare you off if I move too fast or want too much,” he confessed. He groaned as Declan fell against him and immediately offered his lips.
“Really? Because I get scared too until I’m with you. Then, it just feels like I’m home. You’re all I want, Atlas.”
“What if I wanted to get a place together and go all the way?”
“All the way?” Declan sounded unsteady as he held onto Atlas.
“I thought I’d be scared, but I think about having a whole life with you. Complete with grandkids. It’s that serious, Dec.”