Page 36 of Slow and Steady
“I shouldn’t have underestimated you,” Atlas said, shaking his head. “I thought that it might be too much, being with a federal agent. I almost wanted you to run away from this and get as far away from anyone that reminded you of your dad and your brother as you could. But you’re so resilient.”
That made Declan laugh. “I almost fainted when I realized Byron was your dad,” he said, pointing over his shoulder. Atlas rolled his eyes.
“Everyone’s nervous when they meet the parents, Declan. You’re quiet about it because you don’t want anyone to worry or feel sorry for you because of your anxiety and depression, but I think you’re really brave. Look at everything you’ve survived. Most people would be bitter or build walls, but you keep loving people and hoping they’ll love you back.”
“I guess,” Declan said. He had just been lonely and alone. “Every day it feels like that life is farther behind me and I can’t find many reasons to dwell on all of that lately.” He slid his arm around Atlas’s, feeling stronger and more excited about the future. “I can’t believe I have a boyfriend and we might be getting a dog!”
“Me too,” Atlas said, sounding content as he smiled at Declan. “Want to take the train or a cab? It’s a bit of a walk back to Lakeshore.”
“Let’s take a cab. I might want to make out with you a little,” Declan whispered out of the side of his mouth.
“Taxi!” Atlas called as his hand shot out and waved wildly.
Monday morning looked as gloomy as Atlas felt as he stared at the window on the other side of the bed. Declan hadn’t woken up yet and Atlas was pouting as he cherished their last hour together. The alarm would go off soon and they’d only have half an hour or so before Atlas had to get up and get ready. Declan would head back to Lake Cliff and Atlas had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to get out there until the weekend. He was looking at a busy week, but Atlas knew he’d think of nothing but Declan.
He kissed Declan’s lips as his fingers swept through his hair and it was bliss, feeling him come awake in Atlas’s arms. “Is it morning already?” Declan groaned, snuggling closer.
“I have to get going soon.” Atlas muttered a curse as he hugged Declan tight. “Why does it have to be Monday and why do you have to go?” He complained.
“I wish I didn’t have to. I’m going to miss you and I’ll be climbing the walls until next weekend.”
“Wait. Why do you have to go? Does Sage need his car?” Atlas asked, but Declan shook his head.
“No. They have the other car and Sage said he could borrow Paul’s Range Rover if he didn’t want to drive Lavender’s car. It’s a hybrid and I think Sage might want one. I thought about buying his car, but I didn’t want to wait after…” Declan stalled and Atlas raised his brows encouragingly.
Declan’s nose wrinkled as he blushed. “I talked to Speed because I was ready to bail on this weekend and he told me to tell you I needed a car.” He offered Atlas a sheepish wince, then gasped. “Not that I didn’t really need one! I just didn’t know how to tell you that I was ready,” he explained.
“I understand. I’m glad you talked to Speed.” Atlas shushed soothingly as he pecked at Declan’s lips. “Don’t go back. Stay and make yourself at home while I’m at work,” he whispered. He would have held his breath but Declan nodded quickly.
“I can stay!” His eyes and his smile were so bright as he pushed Atlas onto his back and rose over him. He lit up the room and the morning was so much brighter. “I’ll buy some clothes and make dinner while you’re gone.”
“You’ve given me something to look forward to. I was kind of dreading how long today and the rest of the week was going to be without you,” Atlas said, brushing the hair away from Declan’s eyes. “What if we took Sage’s car back this weekend, and what if we packed up whatever you have at Paul and Reginald’s and brought it all here?”
Tears pooled in Declan’s eyes as he nodded. “I’d like that a lot.”
“Good. We’ll join everyone for brunch this weekend and tell them you’re moving in and we’re building a life together.”
“Oh my God!” A strangled sob slipped from Declan as his lips crushed Atlas’s. They tasted like tears and he was shaking as he kissed Atlas. “This still feels like a dream.”
“No, Dec. You’re perfect and you’re mine now.” Atlas kissed him tenderly, infusing every sweep of his tongue with devotion. “I love you.” He whispered the words, but a tremor passed through Declan and Atlas felt goosebumps under his fingertips.
“I love you too,” Declan whispered back. “How much longer do you have?” His teeth scraped over his lips as he checked the clock.
“About fifteen more minutes,” Atlas replied, his fingertips skating along Declan’s spine.
“Stop right there,” Declan said as he pushed off of Atlas’s chest. “I am too sore for that.”
“I tried to warn you.”
Declan humphed. “I have no regrets,” he stated, then shimmied lower. “You can’t watch,” he said and ducked under the duvet.
“What?” Atlas yanked it up so he could see, but his eyes rolled when Declan’s tongue swirled around the head of his cock. “Oh, fuck,” he sighed and fell back on the bed as Declan took him deep into his throat and sucked hard.
It was adorable, how shy Declan was about going down on Atlas. But, goddamn, he was thorough and demanding. He pumped Atlas’s shaft with both hands as his head bounced up and down, quickly whipping them both into a frenzy from the sound of Declan’s whimpers and moans. A finger swiped along the cleft of Atlas’s ass, the tip tentatively grazing his hole.