Page 38 of Slow and Steady
“It looks like I won’t be needing your guest room. I’m moving in with Atlas and I bought a car so I can come back and hang out while he’s at work,” he said, causing the foyer to erupt in cheers and clapping. They were jostled, hugged, and high-fived until Speed whistled loudly, calling the crowd to order.
“Let’s give Declan a little room and make this a proper celebration with some champagne,” he suggested.
Sage held up a thumb as he headed for the kitchen. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” he said.
There was laughter and a little bit of teasing, but everyone went back to congregating in smaller groups around the house as Sage saw to the final touches in the kitchen and the dining room. Lavender and Speed arrived with flutes of champagne for Atlas and Declan.
“I couldn’t be more thrilled,” Lavender told them, tapping his empty glass against theirs. “Welcome to the family.”
“Really?” Declan asked. “I’m not sure I fit in. I’m pretty tame and ordinary compared to everyone else,” he said, looking around.
“Nonsense,” Lavender replied, his tone scolding as he sidled up closer to Declan. “A kinder, softer touch is always needed around here. And never underestimate the value of history, Declan Leary. You are not your father or your brother, but you bring a wealth of insight and a unique understanding. Plus, who and whatyoubecome could be significant as well. What does Mickey Winterstone’s son, and possible heir to a fading empire do now that he’s aligned himself with Lake Cliff?” He asked and raised a brow at Declan.
“What?” Declan’s head pushed forward. “I’m not an heir to anything. I’m going to be a high school teacher.”
“That is one direction you could go,” Lavender said and hummed thoughtfully. He turned to Atlas, raising his glass. “And congratulations to you, Agent Beesley. You’ll balance each other well. I had hoped that you’d be our new Sloan, but this is even better.”
“I doubt I’ll ever be as cool as Sloan,” Atlas said with a chuckle.
Speed raised a shoulder and glanced at Paul out of the corner of his eye. Paul was flirting with Reginald by the fireplace. “He’s alright. I like that you’re not in love with him,” Speed said, pointing his flute at Lavender.
That earned a snort from Lavender. “Paul does not love me.”
“Maybe not, but he loves his husband and his husband loves you, so it’s all the same. Sloan won’t fuck around and cause a family feud, but Beesley isn’t that invested. He’s a little less biased,” he explained, stunning Lavender and Atlas judging by their widened eyes and gaping jaws. Declan could see it so he just shrugged and sipped his champagne.
Atlas cleared his throat as he recovered. “I’m flattered and I hope you’ll trust me. Enough to consider working together again,” he added, saluting Lavender and Speed with his glass before taking a long sip.
Speed’s eyes tightened as he studied Atlas. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well…” Atlas slid Declan an apologetic wince, then smirked at Speed. “You’re white, Irish, and you’re still connected. Want to take down some white supremacists? The FBI’s having a hard time infiltrating a cluster of nasty extremist cells,” he said.
“I would certainly be interested in hearing what you have in mind,” Speed said, his eyes alight with mischief and malice.
Lavender was leaning in as well and Declan was a little frightened by the sudden shift. Gone was the gentle and benevolent host. Lavender was prowling and lethal as he grinned at Atlas over his glass. “What did you have in mind?”
That was definitely Declan’s cue to leave. He rose on his toes and pressed a quick kiss to Atlas’s cheek, then ducked his head at Speed and Lavender. “You have my approval, but you probably don’t need me for this,” he said, then slipped away.
Blake was waiting and pulled Declan into a one-armed hug as they headed to the kitchen. “You did it! And it looks like you’re making up for lost time,” he added with a giddy squeal. “I’m so happy for you!”
“We are,” Declan agreed. “We were both afraid of going too fast before, but we want the same things and we don’t want to wait.”
“This couldn’t have worked out better,” Blake said, sighing happily as he got the door for Declan. Sage was waiting to top off their glasses.
“Not to putanypressure on the two of you…” Sage began cautiously. “But I am very good at putting together a hell of a wedding on a reasonable budget. I also have access to some gorgeous private venues,” he added and Blake hummed in agreement.
“There’s Denver and Ezra’s place on the lake, our pond down in Sparks, the backyard,” he said, nodding at the porch and the yard on the other side of the French doors.
“That’s good to know, actually,” Declan said. “I’d feel more comfortable with you, than meeting with a bunch of strangers to talk about cakes and catering.”
“Awesome!” Sage gave Declan a quick hug, then darted over to the oven. “Kat’s phenomenal if you’re not on a budget,” he said and Blake pointed at Sage.
“He’s right. Our wedding was exactly what we wanted and she handled just about everything. Speed got shot and I was kidnapped, but the whole thing went off without a hitch!” He boasted.
“I really hope our engagement isn’t that…eventful,” Declan said, crossing himself before taking a large gulp from his glass. Sage and Blake burst into laughter.
Sage gave Declan an affectionate nudge as he passed with a baked French toast casserole. “I’m so glad we get to keep you,” he said, the smell of brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg trailing after him as he headed into the dining room. It was a scent and a general feeling of safety Declan was beginning to associate with Sage and the hours he’d passed in Sage’s kitchen and studio since coming to Lake Cliff.
“Thanks,” Declan said, a little faint and feeling absurdly blessed again.