Page 10 of Soul of a Woman
Broni leaned her head forward, her hair obstructing the sight of the man ruthlessly taking the woman without regard to her feelings, urged on by the others. She thought she would vomit when he stepped away, another taking his place.
She had to find a way to escape. She could see what her life was going to be like after Saturday, and if she had to kill every biker in the room to prevent that from happening, she would without the least bit of guilt.
Her legs were about to give out when Dee came back to the stage, gathering her clothes from the floor before handing them to her. By that time, Broni no longer resented dancing after witnessing the poor woman’s treatment on the pool table.
“Adam said that’s enough, that you can sit for a while.”
Broni didn’t have to be told twice. Taking her clothes from Dee gratefully, she dressed on the stage wanting her body covered as quickly as possible.
She then walked on shaky legs to Rhys’s table, takinga seat without asking for permission. He raised a brow but didn’t say anything.
“You’re a bastard. You could have stopped that if you wanted to,” Broni said, not trying to keep the fury out of her voice.
“Why would I want to stop you from shaking your ass? I enjoyed it.” His answer was the last straw as far as Broni was concerned.
“You jackass, you’re going to regret putting me through that. When my father finds out, you’ll be kissing my ass, begging for forgiveness.”
Rhys burst out laughing. From the looks of surprise everyone in the room gave their table, Broni guessed it wasn’t a familiar occurrence.
However, he suddenly turned serious. “You should be grateful all you had to do was shake those tits and ass. I bet Nikki would have changed places with you in a second.”
Broni looked around the room, not seeing the woman. “She’s still with him?”
“Tank likes to take his time. He has her for the rest of the night, and she’ll be useless for the next couple of days.” Rhys’s jaw clenched.
“If he’s so rough to the women, why do you and the other men let him do it?” Broni didn’t try to hide the contempt from her voice.
Rhys moved with lightning speed, taking her face in a hard grip. “Nikki decided she wanted to be here, no one kidnapped her. She wanted the thrill, and that’s exactly what she’s getting tonight. If she wanted to leave, Adam would let her go.”
“If Adam would let her go, why not me?” Broni asked, confused.
“Because Adam ownsNikki, so it’s his choice what to do with her. She’s not club property, you are. It’s not his decision to make. Whoever buys you Saturday will own you, and it will be his choice what to do with you,” Rhys explained, releasing his grip.
Broni licked her dry lips. “You could buy me and let me go.”
“I don’t buy,” Rhys said.
“You could to help me out.” Broni’s eyes pleaded with the man he once had been.
“Bitch, you need to get back to work,” Layla said, coming up behind her.
When Rhys didn’t say anything, Broni got up and went behind the bar. She numbly filled the bikers’ glasses for the rest of the night without looking at Rhys’s table.
Broni was about to drop from fatigue when she felt her armbeing taken. She was about to jerk away when Rhys’s voice stopped her.
“It’s time for bed unless you want to stay longer.”
She shook his arm off, following him down the hallway while aware of Layla’s angry glare. Broni couldn’t resist the gloating look she threw back at her. She was perfectly aware the woman would make her pay for it tomorrow, but for the first time in two days, when she went to sleep, she had a satisfied smile on her lips.
Chapter 3
Broni was ready the next morning when Dee knocked.When she opened the door, the woman looked as tired as Broni felt.
Broni resentfully eyed Rhys lying sleeping on the bed as she quietly shut the bedroom door.
The clubroom was a mess. Broni went to do the dishes without being told. This morning it was Dee, Layla and Becca—the woman that Rucker had taken on the pool table. She was friendly, apologizing every time she brought more dishes that needed to be washed. Layla, however, would slam the glasses down next to her, several cracking with the force of her anger. By the time she did it for the third time and Broni had to wash the dishes with a cut finger, she was barely able to keep hold of her temper. Broni was finishing up with a glass when Layla once again flounced behind the counter with a stack of heavy glasses. She dropped them into the water, splashing water in Broni’s face.
“Watch it!”she snapped at Layla.