Page 31 of Soul of a Woman
“Cut the sweet act, Fate,” Destiny spoke bluntly. “You are now an immortal. You will have powers, but until they manifest themselves, they will remain unknown. It depends on Mother and which ones she will gift upon you.”
“Do women hold all the power here?” Rhys’s curiosity grew about the immortals he found himself surrounded by.
“They think they do,” Odin said snidely.
“I know all of this seems strange, but you will adjust rapidly.” Fate’s calm words didn’t help with the strange situation he’d found himself in.
Rhys looked around the room of strangers. He knew it wasn’t going to be as easy as Fate had stated, yet something was niggling at his conscience.
“I don’t understand. You’re saying I didn’t die, but I’m immortal. What’s the difference between the two?”
When Fate hesitated before answering his question, Rhys had a feeling of dread that he wasn’t going to like her answer.
“If you had died on Earth, your soul would have been parted from your body and taken to a different realm from this one. Thor saved you, bringing you to our realm. You are now an immortal; your soul will reside permanently with the body it now resides in.”
“So I am in a different realm than if I had died on Earth?”
Their pitying gazes said it all. Rhys had held on to one slim hope to keep his sanity, which was that he would be reunited with his family on his death. It had been a small hope, but one he’d hung onto as if it were a lifeline. Now they were ripping it apart like tearing off a Band-Aid from an open sore.
Again, she hesitated before answering. “Yes.”
Rhys got to his feet leaving the room, walking quickly, blindly, not knowing where he was going in the unfamiliar castle. He hadn’t made it far when a firm grip took his upper arm, leading him to the huge staircase.
“I’ll take you to back to your room.”
Rhys followed Jericho quietly, his thoughts seething with fury. It would be better away from the roomful of watching strangers, though. He refused to feel guilty at Broni’s stricken features at his abrupt departure, either.
He was led down a long hallway, his arm released as Jericho opened the door. Walking into the room, Rhys uninterestedly examined the massive, masculine space.
“Fate had it prepared for you.” Surprised, Rhys turned to Jericho who remained in the doorway. Had Fate decorated the room knowing beforehand that he would be arriving?
He silently walked forward, pulling the drapes back from the window. The dark sky highlighted the bright stars, yet it was daylight outside.
“You get used to it. We still have dark during the nights and sunlight during the days, but the sky remains the same. It’s how they watch humans. To them, it’s like one big television showing different channels all at once.”
“They watch us?” Rhys turned to Jericho.
“Constantly. It’s their favorite pastime. Be warned, they know everything that happened between you and Broni while she was on Earth.”
Rhys’s face turned red, and if it was possible, his anger increased.
Jericho looked back at him sympathetically. “I was angry when I found out, too, but Cara didn’t let me stay angry long.” The harsh face softened when he mentioned Cara—Jericho was obviously in love with his fiancée. Rhys’s stomach clenched at the realization; he had been in love with Deena like that, and his anguish returned as his thoughts fell to her.
“I’ll leave you alone to get some rest. If you need anything, Broni is in the room next to yours. Fate felt you might be more comfortable in asking her if you wanted something.”
With that, Jericho closed the door, leaving Rhys to his grim thoughts. Staring at the sky, all Rhys saw was the bright stars twinkling back at him. Their beauty seemed closer than on Earth.
He refused to be embarrassed that a roomful of strangers knew he had fucked Broni. Still, it was an uncomfortable feeling knowing her mother and father were aware they’d had sex with no emotional attachment from him to their daughter. With the club’s behavior toward her also having been witnessed, he was sure her being made to strip hadn’t cast him in a favorable light, either. He was shocked they’d even welcomed him into their home at all. Rhys refused to dwell on the thoughts of Broni at the clubhouse, though.
He knew from the moment he had decided to bid on Broni she would be trouble. Now, he was being denied eternity with Deena and his boys because of her. If he had minded his own business, he would still be on Earth with Adam and the rest of the Dark Highwaymen.I also would probably be dead like the rest of my friends, he reluctantly acknowledged to himself. It still didn’t change the fact he resented the decision had been made for him. He would learn what he needed to learn to live on his own then leave Fate’s home and Broni behind at the first opportunity.
Chapter 13
Broni sat quietly at the table, smiling at her sister, Cara. She was sitting next to Jericho, and every so often, her hand would stray to touch him, as if assuring herself he was still there. Her mother was teasing Jericho and even Destiny was laughing, having a good time. Odinand Valentine were sitting next to one another. Broni had to hide her amusement as the two glared at each other, each jealously wanting her mother. Her father had lost her while Odin was still trying to catch her.
A servant was pouring wine into Odin’s goblet when suddenly the woman sat down in his lap, kissing him passionately. The stunned God didn’t react for several seconds before attempting to extract himself by lifting the woman off, holding her by the waist to keep her from him.