Page 43 of Soul of a Woman
The little girl cried out in fright at the sound of his voice.
“Who are you? You’re not my daddy.”
“No, but I am here to help you. Slowly slide off your bed and crawl toward me. Hurry, Zandra, there isn’t much time,” Rhys urged.
“I’m scared.” Her little body scooted to the end of the bed. She turned onto her stomach, edging off until she was able to reach the floor then Zandra began to crawl across the room.
“I know, baby, but I am here to help you. Just a little farther.”
As the child crawled, the flames began to slide under the closed door, running across the carpet toward the little girl. Someone was directing the flames, wanting to destroy her.
Broni stood by helplessly. She wanted the girl to hurry, but Zandra was unable to hear her, and Broni wasn’t even able to direct the flames away for the few precious seconds it would take to save the girl.
The child screamed when the flames reached her.
“Roll toward me, Zandra. Roll.” Rhys remained calm, giving the directions to save her life.
When Zandra lay helplessly at Rhys’s feet, he reacted by trying to pick her up in his arms, but they passed through her. At that point, her screams of pain were driving all thoughts from Rhys’s mind.
Fate appeared. “Focus, Rhys. You have the power to save her, or she wouldn’t have heard you. Shemustsurvive.”
Fate turned toward the flames, waving her hands, and they fell back a few inches, though they did not disappear.
Rhys knelt down next to the sobbing child. “Zandra. Get up, baby.”
“I can’t,” the little girl whimpered.
“Yes, you can.”
Broni pointed at the window, drawing his attention and showing him how to manipulate the little girl.
“Your kitten needs you to get her out.”
“Yes. Max needs your help, okay?”
Whimpering, the trembling child managed to get to her hands and knees, crawling toward Rhys who had moved to stand by the tiny window.
“Now what the fuck do I do?” Rhys yelled. There was no way the girl could reach the unopened window.
Opening his senses, he disappeared outside, leaving Broni with the little girl in the bedroom. He transported himself to the girl’s father.
Kneeling by the son of a bitch, Rhys threatened him with a cold, deadly voice he hadn’t known he was capable of.“Get your ass over to that window and save that child or I will tear you apart limb from limb.”
Will had never been much of a man, led by the nose by his domineering bitch of a wife, but the voice in his ear threatening him with violence sent fear coursing down his spine.
“Now!” Rhys yelled in his ear.
Spooked, Will jumped up, going to his daughter’s bedroom window.
“Get something to break the fucking window!” Rhys wanted to strangle the stupid man, however he tried to remain calm, giving the man directions until finally, the sound of glass breaking fell on Rhys’s welcoming ears.
“Reach in and pull her out. She is by the window.”
Wanting to pick the man up and throw him inside, Rhys watched as he slowly reached in and pulled out the girl. She was unconscious but still breathing. Sirens could be heard drawing closer. The mother ran to grab the father, moving him away from the now flaming house.