Page 52 of Soul of a Woman
“I prefer to sleep alone, but as long as you keep your hands to yourself, I’ll share.” Broni lowered her sword and laid it on the floor beside the bed.
“I appreciate that.” Adam’s ironic voice reassured her.
Broni lay back down, feeling the bed sink under Adam’s weight next to her.
“Thanks, Adam.”
“It’s not going to be easy keeping the men off you, Broni. When we’re outside this room, you have to pretend we’re together. I’m barely managing to maintain control since Tank’s come back,” Adam warned. Broni had already noticed his tenuous control.
“I’ll be careful.” Broni rolled on her side, away from him.
She would take his advice and play along like she was his. Tank may no longer be influenced by the Drearien, but as her mother had told her, she recognized the evil within him that had allowed the Drearien to take control. Broni had every intention of avoiding a confrontation with Tank if at all possible. When that no longer worked, she would kill the bastard.
Chapter 21
Broni used her sword to shift through the rubble.
“Find anything?”
“Not yet,” she answered Ransom’s query as they searched through the ransacked room, seeing if anything worthwhile had been left behind.
She had begun going out with Ransom and Harlow during their runs, preferring it to staying behind at the clubhouse with the randy bikers. She was disgusted with most of the men. Only a few were seeking to provide for the group that was expanding by the day with survivors seeking shelter and the protection the clubhouse full of men provided.There were more women now, too, and they were more than eager to trade their bodies for a full stomach and protection from the threats that were on the outside.
It had been two months since she had returned to the clubhouse. She still shared Adam’s bedroom, fully aware he had taken more than one woman up on their offers. Many sought him for his protection, the others for his looks. She had expected him to move her out of his room and move in one of the women willing to share her body, but he hadn’t.
Shifting a large sofa, Broni found a handgun. Opening the chamber, she saw it had bullets.
“I found a gun.” She handed it to Ransom, who looked at her with indecision.
“Why didn’t you try to hide it and keep it for yourself?” Guns had become a valuable commodity to barter, used to trade for food and water.
“I have my sword.”
Ransom tucked it into his pants as they moved to the next building. They had no luck inside and were leaving when a large band of men came around the corner, spotting them.
“Shit! Run!” Harlow yelled.
Broni ran after the two bikers, dodging and weaving between empty cars abandoned on the street. Ransom and Harlow both disappeared, turning the corner before her when a hand in her hair jerked her to a stop.
Ignoring the pain at her hair being yanked from her scalp, she turned, slashing out with her sword. The eight men enclosed her within a circle.
“You want me to show you how to use that?” one heavyweight man asked, his gut so large Broni was amazed he had even been able to chase after her.
“I can use it well enough to cut that hand off if itcomes any closer,” Broni retorted, the sword swishing out, barely missing the hand that had hastily been jerked back.
“We got ourselves a fighter, Tom.”
“That’s fine with me. They quit fighting once they get a taste of what I can give them.” The man smiled, showing gleaming white teeth.
Broni wondered how these men had lived before the world had turned to chaos. Had they worked a normal job? Had they been respected at work? Had a loving family? How long had it taken them to turn into the animals staring back at her, lewdly clutching their dicks behind dirty jeans?
Suddenly, Broni felt a pain on the side of her temple and fell to her knees before she could blink back the blood streaming into her eye. The man who had hit her with a hammer then struck her hand. Broni couldn’t hold back her scream of pain as the men attacked her at once. One ripped her clothes off her body while another kicked the sword laughingly to the side.
Dazed, she was sprawled naked by the men in the middle of the street. Looking up, she saw Tom unbutton his jeans, exposing his dick, and Broni struggled against the two men holding her down. They responded by punching her in the face and stomach until she was winded, lying still. Tom squatted down before her, parting her legs.
“Where’s all the fight right now, bitch? I have a sword you can play on,” he bragged.
Broni screamed as he lowered himself between her thighs. However, as he fell on top of her, Broni didn’t feel the pain of his cock entering her. He didn’t move at all. He lay motionless on her, and it took another one of the men holding her to fall down with opened eyes staring blankly into hers for her to realize there was fighting going on around her.