Page 86 of Soul of a Woman
“I did. You dared to have Merlin bind my powers. I thought it only fair you were here when he removed the spell.”
Joro did not speak, however she watched arrogantly as Merlin worked his magic and removed the spell. Images flashed before her quicker than light. Fate saw each and every time they’d had their sexual encounters. The passion between them was evident and forced an unconscious whimper from her lips. Valentine stood quietly as every deception was revealed.
Fate looked at the beautiful woman with her black hair to her waist andthe figure of a siren. Joro’s beauty had always drawn the Gods and Immortals. Fate’s was not the first heart she had broken by taking what belonged to another.
While all three waited for her reaction, Fate ruthlessly battled and suppressed the hurt and jealously that had her wanting to rip them apart. Other than the small whimper Fate had stifled and the trembling hand she placed on the small mound of her stomach, she made no further movement or sound until she had herself under iron control.
Staring into Valentine’s pained gaze, she spoke with finality. “I cast you out of my homeand heart. Never will you be granted entry again. Leave and never return.” Ice dripped from her voice.
Valentine took a step toward her,but at her step backwards, he stopped. “I am sorry, Fate.” He had been married to Fate for centuries; he knew her well enough to know the finality of her words. No begging or pleading would sway her decision. For the health of his unborn child, not wanting to further upset her, Valentine disappeared, leaving Merlin and Joro to face Fate on their own.
Fate pinned Merlin with her cold stare. “I will not tell Mother of your actions.” Relief and fear warred on his tired, lined face. Fate would not let him off that easily. Her next words proved that. “In return, one day you will repay this debt upon my demand. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Fate.”Merlin wrung his trembling hands.
“Leave my home. I will find another to bind my power.” Merlin jerked at the insult, disappearing before she could change her mind.
Fate turned her attention to Joro, who stood unafraid before the powerful Moirai.
Laughing softly, Joro walked casually around Fate’s bedroom, touching her personal items; a perfume bottle, a diamond necklace, even picking up her nightgown lying on her bed, letting the cool silk run through her fingers before tossing it back on the bed.
“You should see your face.” Joro mocked her stern countenance.Disrespectfully, she sat down on Fate’s bed. “How the mighty have fallen.”
“You do not fear my anger or Mother’s?” Fate was surprised at her brazen attitude.
“Why should I feel afraid? I have never feared what you have in store for my future. You have said often enough we are mistresses of our own fate. I agree with you. As for Mother, she has never interfered with my affairs before. If you plan to keep your deal with Merlin, then I cannot be punished for binding your powers.”
Fate studied the slut lying on her bed. “May I ask why you decided to sleep with my husband?”
“My dear Fate, we did very little sleeping as I am sure you are well aware. I do not think that you were keeping Valentine very satisfied, which I rectified immediately.”
“I am sure you did.” Fate did not let the woman see she had struck a nerve.
“Don’t be bitchy, Fate. It is very unbecoming of a woman of your stature. Be thankful I’m letting him go. After your anger has time to mellow, your marriage will be better than before he fucked me.” Joro fell back on the covers, smiling smugly. Turning her head to the side so she could get a better view of Fate’s stiff figure standing by the enormous bed, she sighed and raised herself up until she was leaning on her elbows.
“It was never about you or Valentine; merely a fringe benefit. Valentine was a means to satisfy my needs. My goals have been accomplished. Now I merely have to wait until the one I do want comes to me. Valentine will see to that for me. I needed his powers more than his cock, but as always, I must give to one before I can achieve the other.”
Understanding her machinations—Valentine had been a pawn just as Merlin had been to achieve the goal that Joro needed their combined power—Fate’s mind began to search the fabric of time for a change that, with her amateur skills, Joro had wrought in order to manipulate the one she truly desired. It took mere moments before the power Fate had wielded since time had begun found the small shift. Fear clenched in Fate’s stomach.
Turning abruptly, she ran out onto her balcony, frantically searching the star studded sky… There it was, hidden within the outer reaches of time. Joro was about to achieve her goal at another’s destruction.
Fate had only a fraction of a second to come to a decision. “I am truly sorry, little one.” Tears were choked back, and without hesitation, Fate disappeared.
Joro stood up at Fate’s disappearance.A strong wind blew in from the open balcony, wind throwing and pinning her to the floor while leaving Fate’s possessions alone. Joro lay helplessly on the floor as Mother in all her glory then walked regally into the room. Her fury was evident in the wind tearing and slapping at Joro’s skin.
“Your actionshave cost the life of an unborn child that I had gifted upon my dearest friend. You fool, even in Fate’s anger she sought to protect you and earned your mockery.”
Mother’s head tilted as if listening to an invisible voice. “Fate knows the punishment Ihave planned for you and has asked for mercy for your actions. I will grant Fate’s plea. Instead of sending you to Hades, which you deserve, I will be lenient. Stand.” The wind died, leaving the room eerily still as Joro rose shakily to her feet.
“You shall walk the earth as a human. If you die in human form before I call you home, forever will your black soul be lost.”
“Mother, please, do not do this,” Joro begged.
“I will not call you home until I know that youunderstand the pain Fate is now feeling at the loss of her husband and child.”
The verdict made,Joro disappeared as Mother’s punishment became final.
Chapter 3