Page 70 of The Golden Princess
“It’s not as bad as I feared,” he announced to the corridor at large, seeming uncertain who to address his remarks toward. “I’ve sewn him up, and as long as he avoids infection, he should make a full recovery.”
“Thank you!” I said. “That’s wonderful news.”
“Yes, thank you, Doctor.” Rek gave him a respectful nod which the doctor carefully returned.
“When can we see him?” I asked.
“He’s sleeping now,” the doctor said, “which is the best thing for him. I think visitors will have to wait for tomorrow.”
I nodded, and the doctor disappeared back through the doorway.
“That’s a relief, at least.” I sat back down, starting to feel like a jack-in-the-box.
“We’d better get home and let them know about Rowan,” Navid said. “And don’t worry, I won’t leave your side this time.”
Rek cleared his throat. “Actually, Zaria is staying here tonight.”
“I am?” I frowned at him.
“You’re clearly exhausted.” He looked disapproving. “The last thing you need is to be swamped with questions by a curious crowd who will likely hound you without thought for your fatigue. I’m making sure you get at least one good night’s sleep. We have plenty of guest rooms.”
“Did you know she spent last night being chased through the streets by those thieves?” Adara asked Rek in indignation. “And she tried to warn us, but they turned her away at the gate!”
Rek’s shocked expression grew cold and angry. “They won’t do that again.” The threat in his voice made me shiver, although I couldn’t tell if he was angry with the guards or with himself for not having foreseen the problem.
Adara saw the movement and put a warm arm around me. “Of course you’re not going to sleep in a guest room,” she declared. “I have a whole suite with plenty of room for you.”
“An excellent idea,” Rek said promptly. “You should go and organize a second bed for her.” He turned to Navid. “And you should be on your way home. I’m sure everyone there is extremely concerned about Rowan’s condition.”
“Oh yes, of course.” Navid hesitated, looking toward Adara, but after a moment he bowed and hurried off.
“You should go quickly, Adara,” Rek said in a pointed tone. “Zaria is tired and needs to get to bed sooner rather than later. Make sure you organize some food, too. Who knows when she last ate?”
I wanted to protest that I had eaten, but I couldn’t actually remember the last time I’d sat down to a proper meal, so I kept quiet.
“Oh!” Adara looked at her brother, her voice jumping as she added another, “Oh!”
Giving me a final squeeze, she hurried off in a different direction from Navid.
“Shouldn’t I be going with her?” I asked, giving in to my more cowardly emotions.
If I could avoid being alone with Rek, I could avoid a resurgence of the complicated emotions of the ball.
“In a moment.” Rek sounded implacable, holding me in place with his eyes. “But first, we need to talk.”
Igulped, but there was clearly no point arguing.
“Not in a corridor, though.” He held out his hand imperiously, and I tentatively put mine into it.
His grip was strong and steady as he gently tugged me down the hall. We made several turns, but I wasn’t trying to track our progress, my mind consumed with the events of the past couple hours and the looming conversation.
When he finally opened a door and ushered me inside, I looked around blankly.
“I don’t recognize this room.”
“That’s because my parents only gave it to me as my private receiving room after I came of age.” He shut the door behind us. “None of us ever came in here while you lived here.”