Page 28 of It Comes In Waves
"It's okay," I slide next to her on the curb. "I'll call a car."
She doesn't respond to me. She doesn't look like she is even inside her body. She is sitting here, but Blake isn't inside. A few minutes go by, and the car pulls to the curb. I offer her my hand, and I open her door for her to get in.
"There are no more flights back out tonight. I got a room, or if you'd rather me take you to your mom's, I can do that." I don't want her to leave me, but if that's what she wants, that's what I'll do.
"No, I can't go home." She stares out the window. I'm not sure what I can do to help her. I pull her over into the middle seat and turn her chin to face me. I take my hands and wipe away her tears.
"Thank you." She whispers. I pull her into my arm and onto my shoulder. The Uber pulls into the hotel, and I lead her out of the car through the lobby. I give the receptionist my name, and she sits the keys down on the counter and winks.
"Do you not fucking see me right here?"
Holy shit. Blakley is going to get us kicked out of here, but I am flattered by her jealousy a little bit. I am not going to lie. I throw the receptionist an apologetic smile and take the keys.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I did that." She admits.
I slide the key into the door and push it open. Her bag is a little heavy, so I toss it onto the bed with a thud. She sits down, and the second the door closes, I hear her weak voice.
"I didn't get an abortion."
She doesn't owe me any type of explanation, but after the shit show I just saw, I want to know what the actual fuck is going on.
"By your reaction to that comment, I didn't think that was the case."
"He wrecked his motorcycle on purpose. He knew that if he was hurt, I would come."
What the fuck? What kind of sick-ass individual does some shit like that? It makes me so mad that he would do something like that to manipulate her.
"That is crazy. Does he know that is crazy?"
"He does this. He plays mind games. He will do anything to make someone his pawn. He manipulates and manipulates until he makes you believe that all the fucked up things he does is your fault."
"Well, at least now I don't feel like such an ass for being a dick to a guy with two broken legs." I chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood.
"The first year or so, I didn't realize what he was doing to me. He would do things that weren't acceptable and then make me feel like I was the reason. He cheated because I was too clingy. He lied because he didn't want to hurt me with the truth. I was going to leave him the day I found out I was pregnant. I went to the doctor alone and planned on getting an abortion. I couldn't do it, It felt selfish and wrong. So I went back home, and when I told him, things changed. It wasn't about us anymore."
Whoop, there it is.
"What do you mean, wasn't about us?"
"He became obsessive. I had suspicions for months that he was trying to get me pregnant, I had to switch birth control, and he insisted it would be okay. He had such a power over me, I was afraid to defy him. I think he knew if we got pregnant, I wouldn't leave him. So that's what he did. He proposed the month after we found out and planned the wedding before the baby was supposed to come." She looks down like she is ashamed.
I grab her hand and intertwine her fingers with mine. She lets out a deep breath.
"So by the time the wedding day rolled around, I was just under 20 weeks. The day unfolded, and I don't remember much about the time at the church. I remember Dakota standing there, asking how I felt. I remember putting the ring in his hand and running out of the door. I don't remember driving from the church to the apartment. The whole day comes back in pieces. I remember the blood all over my dress and legs as I walked into the Emergency room. I told them not to call anyone."
I don't think these words have ever left her mouth before now.
"What happened?"
"The pain I felt, I knew something wasn't right. They couldn't get her heartbeat on the doppler, so they induced my labor. After a few hours, she came. A girl."
I don't even know what to say to her. I'm sorry just doesn't seem sufficient.
"She was so tiny, and I couldn't save her." She sobs between her words, and I can't help but pull her into me. I want to cry with her. What was already the worst day of her life got worse, and she did it all alone.