Page 31 of It Comes In Waves
He grins at me and pulls me close, "We're in Savannah."
November 9
I know, I know. I'm crazy, but my attraction to Blakely apparently makes me do crazy things.
"I have meetings here tomorrow, and I wanted you to come with me. You shouldn't be alone right now." She doesn't say anything, so I'm afraid she's pissed.
"I promise I'll make up for your stolen vacation time." I stop walking, and she walks a step in front until our connected hands jerk her back.
"Are you upset?" I ask her.
"No, just a little surprised." She fidgets with her backpack, so I grab it off her shoulder and put it on mine.
"Thanks. How long are we staying here?" She asks.
"My brother has a football game Saturday, so I thought we could head back on Sunday."
"Okay, I am supposed to go back to Tennessee on Sunday, so I suppose that works."
The thoughts of her going back to that town make me want to beat the shit out of someone. She deserves so much more than that dead-end place. I cram the feelings into a pocket deep down in the pit of my brain, knowing that having irrational thoughts of violence isn't good for either of us.
The drive to the house takes a little longer than usual due to the traffic, and that fact I had the driver go directly through downtown so Blake could sightsee on the way in. The car turns down the long driveway. The front yard is full of live oaks, hiding the house away from the main road. When we approach the house, Blakely looks over at me with the widest eyes.
"This is your house?" I nod at her, "Judson, this is the most incredible house I have ever seen!"
I'm glad someone appreciates this house. I bought it about 5 years ago. I passed it a lot growing up and always wanted to live here. I trespassed more than I should have and already had this place picked out before I was 16. I pictured my family here, my kids playing in the yard, my wife sitting barefoot drinking lemonade on the porch.
"It's big. You live here alone?" She raises her eyebrow and looks at me.
"Yeah, well, Jay used to live here. He still has a room here." She looks from left to right, taking it all in.
"This is not what I was expecting your bachelor pad to look like." She laughs and playfully slaps my arm.
We slip out of the car, and she runs up the few stairs to the porch, and for a split second, I can't make my feet move. Blakely standing at the entrance to this house is every vision I've ever had come true.
"Don't just stand there, you goof! You got me here! Show me around!" She sounds so excited. She pulls her sunglasses to the top of her head, and her hair swings as she makes her way to the door.
I unlock the door and push it open. She practically skips through the foyer, rushing to see the inside.
"Judson, this is gorgeous!" She takes a spin and looks at me with the wildest eyes I have ever seen. I haven't ever brought a woman here before, but Blake is different. Our situation is unique. I grab her hand and lead her to the kitchen. On the counter is a box, great it came.
"Sara overnighted your camera. I thought you may want to explore tomorrow while I work."
She practically jumps into my arms.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squeals.
"Anything for you." I smile and kiss her forehead.
"I invited my brother over here for dinner since I'm in town, so I'm gonna need to go out and get a few things in a bit."
She doesn't respond. She still looks around in a daze.
"Is that okay?" I try to snap her out of it.